Episode 5

Intuition & The Group Chat Burn Book | A Little Bit Bothered | Ep. 5

In this episode of A Little Bit Bothered, the hosts open up about their recent health struggles, including Nicole’s illness, Kelsie’s disappointment with a faulty pregnancy test, and Monica’s challenges after IUD removal. They dive into emotional territory & how Disney movies tear us up, Monica’s final take on Twilight, and their gut feelings on trust and intuition. The episode wraps up with a light-hearted chat about group chat secrets, favorite true crime podcasts like  @AMorbidPodcast , and petty reasons for ending a friendship, highlighting the importance of communication and accountability in relationships.

Meet your hosts:

Kelsie @mynameiskelsie

Nicole @niclucchetti

Ashley @ashley.baileybonner

Monica @the.monicajean

Follow us @alittlebitbothered

Join us every Thursday for new episodes!!

Kelsie (:

Welcome to a little bit bothered podcast. Think of us as your bestie group chat where nothing's off limits, whether it's the highs, the lows, or the little annoyances. Don't have that go -to chat yet? Now you do. We're here to cheer you on on your victories, cry with you, and ride along on the petty paddy wagon. So follow us at a little bit bothered and become part of the community. Let's go ahead and see what we're bothered about today. We're your hosts. I'm Kelsey.

Ashley (:

I'm Ashley.

Monica (:

I'm Monica.

Nicole (:

And I'm Nicole. Okay, we're back. I am dying. I am unwell. In the literal sense, I am unwell. have been sick.

Monica (:

We're back, it's another week. How are we doing?

Kelsie (:

Unwell, think we're all unwell.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

It's been a freaking week.

Ashley (:

Nicole's truly unwell. I actually thought we were gonna have to reschedule today.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

I kind of worried about it too.

Nicole (:

I was scared. I was puking yesterday and dying in like this weird haze and I was like, no, I'm gonna have to reschedule our recording. no. But yeah, it came on so weird.

Ashley (:

I told my husband you were sick. I told my husband you were sick in this morning. Like it was like right after we woke up. He's like, how's Nicole even sick? And I was like, what? He's like, how'd she get sick? I'm like, I don't know. I'm like her kid goes to school and her husband goes to work.

Nicole (:

I wonder the same thing, Patrick. I wonder the same thing, okay? I don't even know how it got sick. It just started out as a sore throat when I was putting my kids to bed the other night and I thought it was just allergies because since we moved here, we have been just ravaged. Is that even a word? I don't know. okay, okay, good. I'm delirious, you guys. We have just been with allergies.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

Sure is.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

not to have a podcast.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm

Monica (:

it's a journey.

Nicole (:

We have been killed by allergies every month it seems like. So I was just like, it's gotta be allergies, whatever. We're about to go into a season change. There's a lot of dust. We haven't had any rain in a long time, whatever. And then yesterday, out of nowhere, I started getting random nausea -like fits and nothing came of it until quite late in the day. And I...

Had zero appetite, but like I went to eat dinner, took three bites and I was like, no, can't do that. So I stopped, but I was like, I didn't necessarily feel like I was going to puke until maybe like a good half hour later. And all of sudden it was like, when it hit me, it hit me and I was just throwing up for no reason. And I was like, this is great. And then it happened another time. then besides that, I was sleeping. I was sleeping and I was like hot and cold and hot and cold. So I definitely had a fever.

Monica (:

the worst.

Nicole (:

And I'm sweating. I'm still like kind of sweating. I've been like feeling sweaty and icky all day. I left. I left for a whole day.

Ashley (:

I knew you were dying because you weren't even in the group chat.

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

Sweating is probably good though, it probably means you're like at the end of it and it's like...

Monica (:


Nicole (:

Yeah, like I'm still flushing everything out, which is great. My throat still kind of hurts, but not as bad.

How is everybody else? I know you guys aren't sick, so how was your life?

Kelsie (:

My period started today. I'm very upset about it.

Nicole (:

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Monica (:


Ashley (:


Kelsie (:

I wouldn't be as mad about it if I hadn't gotten a faulty pregnancy test the other day. That really pissed me off. I've never had one and I have ventured to guess that I have taken like hundreds of pregnancy tests in my life a lot and I have never had a false positive or a faulty pregnancy test. Until now.

Ashley (:

That was, that was a bitch.

Nicole (:

yeah, that's right. That was just a very cruel trick from the universe.

Monica (:


Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

gonna say yeah I was gonna say

Monica (:

Yeah. Yeah.

Nicole (:


Ashley (:

I guess I knew there was false positives, but I've never heard of anybody getting a false positive. Like, I don't know anybody who's actually gotten one before either.

Kelsie (:

I've seen, I see him on the infertility pages all the time, but I'm like, that's never happened to me. It happened to me. It was very, it looked very real too. So.

Nicole (:

Me either.

Ashley (:

That sucks.

Nicole (:

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Ashley (:

Was it the lines? Was it just the lines one? Or was it like a yes no one?

Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

No, it was a lines one and there was definitely a second line.

Ashley (:

That's stupid. Yeah.

Monica (:

Yeah, that's cruel.

Kelsie (:

Yeah. So now I have cramps.

Nicole (:

Mmm. That sucks too.

Kelsie (:

There's a fly in here. That's also pissing me off. Fake friends be pissing me off. Something's always pissing me off. Yeah, the fly doesn't go away.

Ashley (:

You seem to always have a fly in your.

Nicole (:

Hi, that's why our podcast is called a little bit bothered because we're always pissed off about something.

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:

I'm easily bothered.

Monica (:

Okay, welcome to the show.

Nicole (:

Literally, welcome. We're so bothered about everything.

Kelsie (:


Ashley (:


Monica (:

How are you doing over there, Ashley?

Kelsie (:

Ashley, I think you've complained the least. Yeah, I think we haven't heard much from you in the way of bad things this week. So what's going on with you?

Monica (:


Ashley (:

I know. don't think I have anything earth -shattering to share. You guys would probably disagree. Today they asked me if I had any siblings. Apparently they didn't know the answer to that question. So here's what's going on with me. I have two brothers.

Kelsie (:


Monica (:

It's a weird, there we go. It's a weird thing that like we are so close and we talk literally every day all day long, but there's still so much that like we don't know about each other, which is kind of fun. Especially you, Pistachio.

Nicole (:


Ashley (:

Mm -hmm. Well, I feel like I just learned about Kelsey's brother the other day, so maybe it's not that strange.

Kelsie (:

Yeah. I have two brothers, not just Jordan.

Nicole (:

Jordan! shout out. Well, he's the famous one, so I'm just kidding.

Ashley (:

see, we... Yeah, Jordan's famous.

Kelsie (:

Ryan was in a band too. They're actually quite both musically inclined.

Ashley (:

that's funny.

Monica (:

That is really funny.

And then there's Kelsey with her millennial urge reels to sing every Disney song.

Kelsie (:

I didn't actually get singing talent, so I have to just pretend, whereas they actually have some talent actually, so.

Monica (:

I mean, I think you've got some talent, you pull it off.

Nicole (:

I was gonna say, I beg to differ, you have talent. Maybe not singing talent, but you still have talent.

Ashley (:

It's funny because I feel like me and my brothers are so different, but the little bit I know about you and your brothers, like, I don't know, you guys seem similar to me with them. Like, like you're all like peas from a pod for sure. With the wanting to like make music and be out there in the universe. Like my brothers don't even have social media or anything. So they're.

Nicole (:

huh, I was gonna say that.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

But yeah, pretty similar.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:


Monica (:


Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

My brothers don't really use social media, but they do like, they find other ways to be out there in the world, yeah.

Ashley (:

But they are on the YouTubes. Yeah. They're on the YouTubes.

Monica (:

They sure are. Yeah. Well, I'm a lunatic over here this week, so that's fun. I am a lunatic. I've been taking over the chat of me feeling so insane. I feel so insane.

Nicole (:

There you go, they are on the YouTubes.

Ashley (:


Monica is a lunatic.

Nicole (:

Mm. Mono tickets?

Kelsie (:

You still weren't the one that sobbed in the Walmart parking lot last week, so it's fine.

Monica (:

This close though, this close.

Kelsie (:

It happens to the best of us.

Monica (:

If I would have been near Chick -fil -A, it probably would have happened. No, I just feel so insane. you know, I shared on my Instagram stories this week that like a couple of weeks ago, I had my IUD removed for various reasons, but primarily just that I want my body to be more natural and just natural. And so I like, we got it out, right? But a few weeks later, I feel like the wave of my body.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:


Monica (:

Figuring it out has me feeling completely bat shit crazy. Like there's no other way to describe it. I feel literally insane. It's the worst. It's the literal worst. I think it was like the last week of July. So it hasn't even been a full month. I don't think I think we're coming up on like a full month.

Ashley (:

When did you get it out, Monica?

Yeah. So all the hormones just like wore off and now is that why like I'm it's weird that it's like hitting you now, you know?

Monica (:

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Yeah. mean, like I've had one period technically, but also the NP that I met with was like, don't judge it for being like anything real. Your body has to figure it out. And that was kind of the extent of what we talked about. And I was like, okay, cool. And that was it. And so now I think my body's just trying to find the natural rhythm that it's supposed to be in. And somebody else had responded in my DMs was like,

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

same thing happened to me and it felt like I was postpartum. And as soon as I read that, I was like, that's it. Like, I feel like I'm in the craziness of postpartum where like I literally want to crawl out of my skin. It is the worst feeling. I'm going insane. Isn't it so fun to be a woman? It's.

Nicole (:

It's the best. It's the best.

Ashley (:

Yeah, that's great.

Kelsie (:

Sometimes I wish I could just pee with my penis and have no other problems in the world.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

man, wouldn't it be nice?

Nicole (:

Let's do the helicopter. Helicopter and everything will be alright.

Kelsie (:

If I could just helicopter my wiener then there would be world peace.

Ashley (:

all the other problems would melt away.

Nicole (:

There would be no sobbing in the Walmart parking lot.

Kelsie (:


Monica (:

No, that is true. That would be resolved. That part would be resolved. But yeah, I literally feel like I have like three personalities. My husband and I were even joking around. He's like, who am I approaching right now? He's like, I don't mean that in a mean way. He's like, I just need to know what you need. Who am I approaching right now? I'm like, that's fair. I can't even be mad. That's fair.

Kelsie (:


Nicole (:


Kelsie (:



Nicole (:

that wording. Who am I approaching? I don't know, man. Take a guess. You're like, dude, I don't even know who you're approaching. So good luck.

Monica (:

Right? Give me a minute, let me think about it.

Kelsie (:


Ashley (:

He's like tiptoeing around the house.

Kelsie (:


Monica (:

Right. But I am sincerely hoping that this is just like the first month, like my body's just got to get through it and figure it out and that this is not going to be an every month thing because like I really don't know. I haven't had like a regular cycle since before my first pregnancy, which was like nine years ago. So I just don't know my normal anymore.

Nicole (:



Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

gosh, yeah.

Ashley (:

I don't think it'll be this bad.

Kelsie (:

Well, that is why you are a lunatic.

Monica (:

I know, it's true, my body's like, what is this?

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:

your body's like, you're going through puberty all over again.

Monica (:

Shut it, better not be. No.

Kelsie (:

It's like, hi.

Monica (:

No, no thank you. I don't want that. I do want my body to be just like more naturally doing what it's supposed to be, but I'm not for this.

Kelsie (:

I picture your little inside out people inside of your brain and they're like, the fucking place is on fire. And they're like, we haven't dealt with this since we were 13. What the fuck?

Monica (:

That's true.

Nicole (:

that movie. I love that movie. I love that movie so much.

Kelsie (:

It's all so clear now. When you think of your inside out people, it makes everything a lot easier to understand.

Monica (:


It's true, as a therapist, I love that movie. For that reason.

Nicole (:

That's so funny that you reference that, because I think about that all the time. wait.

Ashley (:

I actually hate Inside Out. I think that movie is so sad. I would love it if it wasn't for the sadness. It's too sad. You know what? I, okay, I thought of something. well, I don't know if this is even, this isn't okay, whatever. I don't like Disney movies. I feel like they're so depressing all the time.

Nicole (:

Yep, okay.

What? okay. It is sad. It is sad. I cried.

Monica (:

Shut up!

well that's the point!

Kelsie (:

But it's so real!

Ashley (:

Like I won't let my kids, my kids have not watched any of the Disney movies that start with everyone's dead. Like I can't do it. They can't even watch Nemo because I'm like, it's traumatic. The beginning is traumatic. Inside Out, I thought, I wasn't expecting Inside Out to be that sad. And I watched it and I was crying and I was like, we're never watching this again.

Nicole (:


Monica (:

Yeah, like how they're all orphans.

That one is traumatic. Yeah, that one is traumatic.

Kelsie (:

But think how into like if we had had that would we be better coped? Would we cope better with our emotions as adults now if we had had that concept introduced to us?

Monica (:

Yes, yes, yes. No, like legitimately, legitimately, I have seen that movie specifically help so many people because most people have like really don't have that awareness of how complex emotions can be and that we can also have more than one emotion at the same time and that you don't have to cancel one out to be able to experience one.

Nicole (:

I think so.

Ashley (:

Inside out.

Yeah, probably.

Kelsie (:

I love it when you talk therapist to me.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm. Me too. Please. Keep the therapy's incoming. We love it.

Monica (:

all day long Yeah, no, this is, But like, I get it because it is a really sad movie. Like, it's so sad, but, and can we just talk about, well, and then there's the sound for it right now that's trending too. And it's all of like the moms using it for like how they, like,

Ashley (:


It's so... The bing bong? Come on!

Nicole (:

Yeah. Yeah, Bing Bong, Bing Bong. Bing Bong, fuck.

Kelsie (:

Bing bong fucks me up every time man.

Ashley (:

I could watch it if we skipped that part.

Hate it.

Monica (:

The lunatic in me wants to sob right now because we're done having kids and I'm like, no. So yeah, no, I do get that part. I'm a lunatic. It is a good movie, but I haven't either.

Ashley (:

Daho Daho!

Nicole (:

Good movie though, really good movie.

Ashley (:

I haven't seen the second one.

Kelsie (:

It's good too.

Nicole (:

Me either.

Kelsie (:

anxiety is introduced and you'll feel even more seen.

Ashley (:

okay. Interesting.

Monica (:


but wait, but wait, Ashley. So if you're not watching movies that start out sad, like, okay, so we're taking Disney completely out of like the catalog, but like, what are you watching?

Ashley (:

Okay, here, here's.

Nicole (:

campfire diaries.

Ashley (:

No, I've never watched the Campfire Diaries. No, no, they like Paw Patrol. I don't know. I've watched. We've watched Toy Story, The Incredibles. No, only the first one and The Incredibles. Only movies that don't start with death at the beginning because it's.

Monica (:

Not with our kids!

Okay, Paw Patrol.

Nicole (:

I love Paw Patrol.

Not the third one. Okay.

Kelsie (:

Luca's cute, it's not really sad.

Monica (:

Luca is cute. Okay.

Nicole (:

I love Luca! Come on, it's good.

Ashley (:

we've watched Moana. Luca? don't, I don't. I might have to try that one again. I don't know if we've tried that.

Nicole (:

my god, please, please, that's one of my favorites.

Kelsie (:

It's very cute. Elemental is really cute. Elemental is good.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

That one is a cute one.

Nicole (:

I love elemental. Very cute. Not that tragic, I don't think.

Ashley (:

Mmm, I should make a list.

Monica (:

Okay, so it's not Disney that's out. It's death at the beginning of the movie that's out. Okay. Yeah.

Ashley (:

Yeah, it's just like the sadness and trauma. I don't know. I think it's too much. They're so innocent still. I want them to stay innocent forever,

Kelsie (:

I don't remember thinking they were sad and traumatic when I was little. I only noticed that. when Lion King, when it came back, remember when they like re -released it in theaters? When I was like 18 maybe, I don't know how old I was exactly, don't quote me. But we went and I remember sobbing and I'm like, I don't remember this being that sad. It's terribly sad, but as a kid you just.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

Me either.

Monica (:

I was just going to bring that one up.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

It's terribly sad. That was my comfort movie growing up. Like still to this day, like if I am having a rough day, so I'm actually surprised it hasn't been on this week, my husband will actually just like walk into the living room and turn it on for me.

Kelsie (:

So if you're having a rough day, should just say, Akuna Matata.

Monica (:

Pretty much, but usually it's if I'm sick. If I'm sick, I'm watching The Lion King. But I didn't realize that it was, I mean, I did realize it was sad, but it hits different when you watch it with your kids and then a little while later you hear them in their bedroom going, like throwing and like, dad. And you're like, no, this was not, not how I thought that was gonna go.

Nicole (:




Ashley (:

Ha ha.

Nicole (:

Yeah. Yeah.

Let's not talk about that anymore. Let's talk about Monica and Twilight. She did and she's in love. She's in love.

Ashley (:

wait, Monica gave Twilight a fair chance. What's happening? What's happening since your fair chance, Monica? Do tell.

Monica (:

I did.

well, I've been a crazy lunatic in hibernation and I read the book in like 48 hours, so...

Ashley (:

huh, huh.

Nicole (:

Yep. And she's obsessed with the chuckling vampire. She loves his chuckles. They're sexy chuckles. Certainly not. Certainly not.

Kelsie (:


Ashley (:

opened it up and couldn't put it down.

Kelsie (:

You certainly don't read a bad book in 48 hours. That's all I'm going to say.

Ashley (:

Mm -mm.

Monica (:


Ashley (:

when I woke up and saw

Kelsie (:

It's not it's really not

Monica (:

Especially not for me. If I don't like a book, I'm not getting past the first couple chapters.

Nicole (:


Ashley (:

No, I knew you loved it because when I woke up and saw that you had messaged us at like what, what? Yeah, like in the middle of the night asking questions about the book, I'm like, this bitch is up still reading. Then the next day she was so tired. Then when you finished the book and you said, I just went back and read a few other sections again, I was like, my God, she's studying. Yeah.

Kelsie (:

at like 4 a for Central Time.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

you're, you have a problem. She's addicted. She's like crackhead now.

Kelsie (:

She's studying. She's studying it. She loves it so much Okay We have to get some hot points

Monica (:

Shut up. Shut up. Well, it's my process of reading though. So first of all, with me feeling like a lunatic, I had a bout of insomnia and so I'm like, well, I might as well be reading about vampires. And I just couldn't sleep, so I just kept reading.

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:

So what were your standout points from the first book?

Monica (:

I can't be put on the spot like this.

Kelsie (:

You have to. We need to know. Hot takes.

Nicole (:

You have to.

Ashley (:

You liked when Edward saved Bella?

Monica (:

Okay, standout points in like what way?

Kelsie (:

What like what do you remember the most like what was your favorite? I don't know if you don't save it But what like stands out in your mind when you think about the first book?

Monica (:

actually really like their humor back and forth about it. That stands out. Obviously, he's this terrifying creature and she's making jokes about her death with him and I think that that's hilarious. So that stands out. But I don't know, I think just in general, their relationship is kind of cute.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:


Monica (:

But I already know I'm gonna hate the movie in certain aspects because I don't like who was casted as Bella. And I know that that's not a new thing. That was the thing that everybody hated, but I get it. Yeah, I get it. Yeah, not who I would have picked at all.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

But now you get it.

Nicole (:

Were your assumptions of what the book was going to be about correct?

Monica (:

Yes and no, although I knew that I was missing something as far as what was going to be the problem, because it couldn't have just been the fact that he's a vampire. So I knew I was missing that, but I had nothing to go off of what I could have even guessed it would have been.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

Just wait, there is more problems ahead, don't worry. Much more problems.

Monica (:

Yeah, I can see some foreshadowing, so I'm guessing.

Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

Can we take a second to talk about the girl that reads Harry Potter for the first time? Because she got to the point where Dumbledore died the other day. you should watch, it's such a traumatic experience throughout the day as she uploads videos where she reads it happening. I mean, the ultimate Snape betrayal. just did not, she was not ready for that.

Monica (:

I freaking love her. No, she didn't.

no, her poor precious little heart.

Ashley (:

Yeah. Yeah.

Kelsie (:

Heartbroken, I don't know how she's gonna go on from this she calls it cuz you know she calls him her family So she's like my grandpa just died like I can't these brands are messaging me trying to make deals with me My grandpa died. I need like a day My grandpa Dumbledore

Ashley (:


Monica (:

my God, I relate to that though. Like I'm not that deep into like being on board with Twilight to have the enthusiasm that she does, but I do for Harry Potter. I remember that day. Tumbledore dying was the worst.

Nicole (:

I'm sorry.

Kelsie (:

It was a journey to go on with her.

Nicole (:

I have a question. I have a question about that. Do the movies do that part of the book, any justice?

Monica (:


yes and no. I feel like it, yeah, they changed some things about it, but I feel like they still did a really good job with it. There's just a lot more complexities to that entire book that had to be removed, like with all the horcruxes and stuff. So yes, but there's just details missing.

Kelsie (:

It's a little different, yeah.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:


Yeah, and I think you, well, maybe not. I think you have a clear...

Nicole (:


Cause I've always wanted a little bit more like detail on the Snape betrayal and the, and all the things, so.

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

I think you get a little bit more of his intention in the book, think, just in protecting Draco more than you get it from the movie, maybe.

Monica (:


Yes. Yeah. Well, and I think even in the book, though, too, you don't like not everything is revealed at that time. You're still left feeling very confused about why everything played out the way that it did. So in that way, I think that the movie did a good job because you're left with a lot of questions.

Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

Mm -hmm.



Monica (:

Yeah. But yes, I wish I could, I could have the enthusiasm as she does though. I still have, I still need to, yeah, I still need to post all of my reactions because listen, delirious 2 a Monica reading Twilight, the chuckling fricking vampire was probably pretty entertaining. We'll see. We'll see if I post.

Kelsie (:

just buckle up. You got a lot of weight. You got a long way to go.

Nicole (:

think you'll get there. Yeah, I think you'll get there.


Sexy chuckling vampire. You left out one very good descriptive word. Sexy chuckling vampire. Sorry. Okay. Anyway, she's drawn in. He did. He compelled you. That's vampire chat. Yep.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.


Kelsie (:

She sees the allure in the vampire now.

Monica (:

He dazzles me.

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:

He dazzles you.

Monica (:

Yes, but it is...

Kelsie (:

that's not these kind of vampires.

Monica (:

I do find it hilarious though that like it's however many years later and I have never had so many DMs coming in through at once and people who were shocked that I haven't read the book or seen the movies and I'll have their opinion and were like literally waiting for me to finish the book. So it's pretty funny.

Ashley (:

Yeah, you're an anomaly.

Nicole (:

of the killer. Okay.

Monica (:

I am. I am. So I'm not mad that I read it. I will say that. I'm not bothered. I'm not bothered that you guys bullied me that I read this.

Kelsie (:

one of a kind.

Ashley (:

She's so stubborn about it. my god.

Kelsie (:

She's very stubborn about admitting this.

Nicole (:

She is so stubborn about it. Look, she does not want to admit it. my gosh.

Monica (:

No, I enjoyed it. It was a good one. I'm not bothered. I'm not bothered by this one.

Nicole (:

Mm. Mm -hmm. It really does, truly.

Ashley (:

Not bothered at all. Yeah. Well.

Kelsie (:

It just gets better and better.

Monica (:

We'll see.

Kelsie (:


playing hard to get.

Monica (:

It's just fun now.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

Well, honestly, our intuition about you loving this book was correct, wasn't it? We knew it. Just admit it, please. Our intuition is good. We have good intuition. cannot be fucked with.

Ashley (:

We knew it. Because all three of us love it. Even though... Yeah.

Monica (:


Ashley (:

Even though we're all so different, we all like are on the same pages with so many things.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm. It's true. Yeah, it's true. And like we really did unintentionally kind of create a book club out of the group chats. Like with followers too.

Kelsie (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

yes, we're in tune.

Kelsie (:


Nicole (:

Yeah, but that's OK. It's all right. Yeah, but that's I've.

Ashley (:

Love that for us. Actually, someone did message me. Someone messaged me this morning asking about the book we were talking about in episode two. I didn't realize we were talking about books so much, but I guess we are. But yeah, that was Verity. Which now I think I need to read more co ho's But anyways.

Kelsie (:


They did.

Monica (:

yes, Verity.

Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

But we do have very scary, like, intuition to, like, deep intuition between each other that is just spooky sometimes.

Nicole (:

Yes. yes. It's creepy. Like it really spooky.

Monica (:

We really do. Like to the point, yeah, like to the point there, like multiple times I think this week, we've sent voice messages and when you go to listen to it, like we're saying the same thing.

Kelsie (:

They're the same, yeah. Yeah, we literally say jinx a lot.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm. Yeah, literally jinx. Yeah.

Nicole (:

Jinx We're constantly typing jinx in the chat because we're saying the same shit. It's weird

Ashley (:

I actually feel like I like noticed how solidified like we are and how like, well, we mesh when all of us kind of were, I don't know how to put this, like, like talking about the same person, but without actually saying anyone's name, but kind of like throwing shade. Like we're all on the same shade page without coming out and saying anything.

Monica (:

Wait, wait.

Nicole (:

We were it.

Kelsie (:

It was one of prob are you talking about the first time we really like bonded over like, yeah,

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:

sometimes when you're building new friendships, this is like months and months and months ago, when you're building new friendships, sometimes it's scary to say things you think, but that is where bonding happens. And we were kind of doing that, but we were all a little nervous to come out and say about someone that like we didn't fully trust. Not talking shit, just we didn't trust them. Yeah.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

I agree.

Monica (:


Ashley (:

that bothered us.

Nicole (:

Yeah, no, there was no malicious intent. We were just, we had all recognized the same patterns and behaviors from a mutual person that we know. And yeah, I think at first we were, my God, no, it's just, it does. think, yes, I think.

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

People love them.

Monica (:

You guys are gonna make me break out in hives, right?

Ashley (:

Monica's nervous about this conversation. No, this is very common. Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

This, no, because this happens a lot probably. I'm sure everyone can relate to this. Sometimes there's a person that everyone seems to love and it's just, and you're sitting there and you're like, I get really bad vibes from this person. Like, I don't get the warm and fuzzies. I don't trust them. They don't make my heart feel happy. But everyone loves them, so what's wrong with me?

Monica (:


Nicole (:

I don't get it. Mm -hmm.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm. Mm -mm.

Ashley (:

Yeah, you're like, what's the appeal? Yeah. But then you find those other people that are also thinking that same thing, and then you're like, it's like a solid bond because. Yeah, because everyone's flocking to this person, acting like they're so nice and they're so genuine and all these things, and you're kind of like, why am I the odd one out here? How?

Monica (:


Nicole (:

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. But then you start to, yes, you.

It is.

Yeah, yes. It's very validating when you do find those people that are like, no, I thought the same thing, but I just didn't. I didn't trust myself. I thought I was alone. Yeah, like I couldn't trust myself to think that. But the great thing is, go Ashley.

Kelsie (:

How do I not see what everyone else sees, yeah.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

I thought I was alone. Yeah.

Ashley (:

You know what I think it is actually? I think that you're not alone. Like I don't think anyone is alone when you're like in those feelings when you're like, I don't know if I like this. You are not the only one thinking that it just people just don't come out and say it, you know, because how many times have you felt that about someone or something? And then like time goes on and it keeps more people are coming out of the woodwork, like agreeing, you know.

Nicole (:

Yes, yeah.

that happens to me all the time, honestly.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

But I think when other people start to come to you and solidify that information for you, that's when you're like, okay, I'm not crazy. It wasn't just me, it just sometimes takes.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm. Wasn't just me.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

It just sometimes takes that validation from somebody else to come to you and say, yeah, no, you're not alone in this, you're not the only one that's thought this. Maybe everybody was just nervous to say something about it, which I'm in an era where I'm not nervous to say stuff anymore. If I'm feeling weird about something, I'm gonna say it. And I'm also not gonna let it bother me for the most part. I'm not gonna be malicious and go out of my way and slander people, but I will remove myself from.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

you if I feel even the weirdest bit, like the little tiniest bit of weird now, but only because yeah, it just builds and I don't have time for that. I can't like take that much like energy from my life. I just can't.

Ashley (:

Yeah, because it just builds.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Ashley (:

Yeah, it's so important to trust your gut and trust your intuition with people because like nine out of 10 times it's right, you know? It's just funny when you're like testing the water with your friends to see if they're like feeling the same way about a situation or some person. Everyone's dancing around the topic, you know what I mean? It's like.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

Mm -hmm. Yup.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

It's scary, it's scary, like, ooh, do I say this if I say this?

Monica (:

Well, especially because with this we were kind of from a distance just like, are you thinking what I'm thinking? Yeah.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Ashley (:

Yeah, I feel like it happens to us actually like kind of frequently.

Nicole (:

It does, actually.

Kelsie (:

I about to say, I feel like that was the floodgates that like was the one that kind of like pushed the door open and we're like, okay, okay. Yep, yep. And then it just, the dam broke and we let loose.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

Ashley (:


Yeah, that -

Nicole (:

Yeah, and now we just kind of notice everything too. feel like now that we're all in tune with each other, we're more like, I noticed this and it made me feel this way and it's weird and am I the only one feeling about that? Like now we have no problem just like.

Monica (:


Mm -hmm.

Ashley (:

It's almost like how we got here, you know, like being able to admit that what we're bothered about or what, you know, how we're feeling about certain things. It's kind of what all brought us here. Talking about it right now.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

True. And that, yeah.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm. Well, and like that's even like the first episode we were kind of describing, like where the name of the podcast came from, right? Where it's like, hey, we're talking about how we're a little bit bothered, but then we always find like our way through it. And like, that's kind of the thing. Like, that's what I think makes certain group chats, like the certain friend groups that much more valuable is that when you're able to like just be able to bring down that wall and share that intuition or share that struggle.

but then like walk through it, which is I think what we've kind of have always done for each other is like allow that space to be like, okay, I know I sound crazy here, but like, am I crazy? Cause like walk me through it. You know? Yeah.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm. Then you don't have to stew on it either. You just like get it off your chest, move on.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Yeah. Mm -hmm. Yep.

Kelsie (:


Yeah, and we can be real. We're like, we're either like, now you're being dramatic. Like, I don't think that it's that, you know, or we're like, mm hmm. Yep.

Monica (:

Yeah, yeah, it's not that.


Ashley (:


Nicole (:

I don't feel like we've ever told each other we're being dramatic. I feel like we're always dramatic. I'm just saying like...

Kelsie (:

No, I don't think we've ever said you're being I don't think we've ever said you're being dramatic, but I think we have like talked us down when it maybe wasn't that Yeah. Yeah, we have been like let it go. Yeah

Monica (:


Yeah, we definitely have talked each other down. Yeah. Or even just like, don't put your energy there. Like, let it go. Like, it's not that.

Ashley (:

We've been like, let it go. We've definitely, yeah.

Nicole (:

Yes, yes, yes.

Mm -hmm. I was just saying like we're all always dramatic and we're all always on the same page. So it's like go ahead be dramatic and then we'll talk you down later after you're done being dramatic. Yes, and then be dramatic, but we can't stay there. We just can't stay there. That's the thing.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

Yeah. Yeah.


Ashley (:

and then release it. There's no shortage of drama, that's for sure.

Kelsie (:

Yes, be dramatic, but...

Monica (:

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:


Monica (:

Yeah, it does make me laugh though because like literally no subject is off the table in our group chat. And so just.

Nicole (:

Mm -mm. Mm -mm. Mm -mm.

Kelsie (:

As you know, we talked about buttholes the first time we ever came on here.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Monica (:

It's just full of secrets. Like, we would be in so much trouble if like that leaked. You know what I mean? Like,

Nicole (:


you know what I was thinking about? my gosh, that's funny you said that because you know what I was thinking about the other day? I don't remember what episode it was, it was when we were asking, we asked Kelsey, would you rather have your search history released or something? And I was like, I don't.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

care, I wouldn't care about either of those things being released. What I would care about is the group chat being leaked because there's a lot of stuff in there that would not go over well.

Ashley (:

Yeah, for real.

Kelsie (:

I somewhat care, but also it is very

Monica (:

It's very, very raw and vulnerable.

Kelsie (:

The group chat is not warm fuzzy all the time. Sometimes it's Girls in a group chat who got some problems. Yeah

Nicole (:

This is the group chat.

Hectic. Crazy.

Ashley (:

We're no, you know what, we're really nice people. We're really nice people and we don't like when other people aren't nice

Monica (:


I will say this, because part of like, as we're talking about it, I'm like hearing it in other people's heads, right? Where I know we've talked about this, like we don't ever want to come across as like the mean girl group, right? And so I think I want to just kind of like clarify that too. It's like, yeah, burn book, sure. But the other part of that is the accountability. Right, right.

Kelsie (:

Mm -hmm. Yes.

Nicole (:

Mm -mm.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

We're not saying somebody's a fugly duck or whatever.

Ashley (:

It's Robin Hood's burn book.

Monica (:

It's Robin Hood. Yes, yes. Thank you. Because it really is like we've literally have had those conversations of am I being the mean girl right now? And sometimes like the answer is yes. And like we have to rein it in. So I just want to clarify that because yeah,

Kelsie (:

Yes. Yes.

Nicole (:


Ashley (:

Yeah, that's what it is.

Nicole (:

Me. Me.

Kelsie (:

But I think most of time the answer is no, We're not out here picking apart someone's looks or like making fun of anybody. I think a lot of group chats could agree we're out here like talking about.

Monica (:

No, not at all.

Nicole (:



Monica (:

Well, and honestly, usually it's, right. And honestly, usually like this sounds like kind of like in a selfish way, but like this is part of what like having your girlfriends is for is a lot of the times it's actually it's like our own shit that's coming up. And we're like, I'm being really bothered by this. Like, I don't know why it's bothering me. Like, why is this triggering me? Why is this so important to me? And like getting to that. So it's really not even so much always about other people, but like, is my intuition right here? What is my problem?

Kelsie (:

Frustrate how we've been wronged

Nicole (:

Yeah, yeah.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:


Nicole (:

us. Or, yeah, is my intuition right or what is my problem?

Kelsie (:

Yeah, I would agree is even if it involves somebody else, I would say a lot of the times we're bringing it back to like, why is this bothering me? Like what happened to me that this has me feeling this way? Like

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

Yeah, it usually starts out of a frustration of like, you know, somebody else and then we're like, wait, yeah, this is a me problem when it comes down to it. So we work it out, of course, but sometimes, sometimes, sometimes we're not wrong.

Monica (:

Yeah. Yeah.

Kelsie (:

And sometimes it's a them problem, but...

Monica (:

Yeah, I also, I can't help the irony though, right? I can't help the irony though that Ashley, you brought up inside out because that was not a planned topic today, but that actually is the exact description of this even is like, we're a little bit bothered. There's that emotion. How do we get over here? What's the other emotion and experience, which is really funny to me.

Ashley (:

Mm -mm.

Nicole (:

Mm -mm.

Yep. Yep. Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

Our little group chat is basically like our inside out panel.

Nicole (:

It really is.

Ashley (:

Yeah, and we all identify as a different character on a different day.

Nicole (:

I'm probably anger most of the time. I'm like, I'm always on fire, I feel like.

Monica (:


I'm anxiety this week through and through, so.

Kelsie (:


Ashley (:

I don't know what I am.

Kelsie (:

I'm not sure because I think I'm a very healthy mix of joy and sadness.

Nicole (:


Monica (:

Yeah. for sure. Yeah, for sure. You guys are like doing a three -legged race.

Ashley (:

I think you are too, yeah. You're generally the joy and sadness, yeah. Yeah.

Nicole (:

yes, absolutely.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, yeah.

Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

I got one right here and one right here on my shoulders.

Nicole (:

Ashley, Ashley, Ashley, you kind of give me disgust vibes actually.

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:

Yeah, yeah.

Ashley (:

did, my friend and I were talking this morning about the podcast and I was like, I don't know how we even got on the topic, but I'm like, yeah, I'm not really as emotional as the other three. don't think.

Monica (:

No, no, you calm us. You calm us. You're busy at work and then eventually, like, all of a you chime in and you're like, guys.

Nicole (:

Mysterious Scorpio.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

Bring it down!

Ashley (:

And reel it the fuck in, ladies.

Kelsie (:


She normally comes in with some sarcastic comment that like mellows it out.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

Really. For real.

Ashley (:

Actually, wait, is totally like random and not on this topic at all, but I was dying last night. I was going to bed. It was late and Kelsey is in a different time zone. It's like the middle of the night where she is really. And she just like, I don't even know why I'm in the chat. I don't even know why I'm there, but I said something I didn't expect anyone to answer until tomorrow morning. that's what it was. Yeah, that was that was it. Whatever. OK. And then.

Monica (:

she was, I freaking lost it.

Kelsie (:

You asked about the book, you asked about Verity. Yeah. Yeah.

Nicole (:


Monica (:

yeah. Yeah.

Ashley (:

Kelsey chimes in and it's like what, like three o 'clock in the morning where she is or something. I'm like, what are you doing awake? she, poor little things having nightmares over there.

Kelsie (:


Did and it's really funny because before I went to bed I was like I'm actually mad at Trevor So I'm sending him bad nightmares like and then I had a bad nightmare and it was so bad It was karma it was instant karma and I The second my eyes popped open from the nightmare I was like fucking karma that I asked for that one

Ashley (:

Yeah. And I was laughing so much.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

And I woke up to all of those text messages.

Ashley (:

I know, yeah.

Yeah, literally.

Monica (:

That was a bad one too. Like the description of that, that was horrendous.

Kelsie (:

It was. I dreamt, I can't leave you guys on the edge, I dreamt that I was in a theater.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

and it started raining acid rain from the sprinklers acid just acid and I was running to try to get out and people ahead of me were they were getting out the door and I was so close but like it was so painful and I looked to my side and people are literally in so much pain covered in acid that they're disintegrating in front of me and I'm like trying to crawl up the stairs it was so bad

Monica (:

Mm -mm.

That is horrifying.

Ashley (:

It's just so vivid. Like when you said you had a nightmare, I was like, something spooky, whatever. And then you said that and I was just like, Whoa. yeah.

Nicole (:

my gosh.

The Radium Girls though. Maybe, I was gonna say maybe that triggered it. The Radium Girls.

Kelsie (:

That might be it, honestly. think that really was. I thought that last night. I was like disintegrating. I feel like it's the Radium Girls got in my head.

Monica (:

Mmm. Yeah, probably.

Nicole (:

Yeah. If you guys don't know what the Radium Girls are, go look it up. And one of they just suffered so much and it was so horrible. Kelsey and I really love true crime podcasts. And that's what we do with most of our time is listen to those or spooky podcasts and.

Kelsie (:

They did.

If you want to know about the Radium Girls, I highly recommend the Morbid Podcast to listen to their episode about the radium.

Nicole (:

Yes, Morbid Podcast did such a good coverage of the Radium Girls and like everything they went through and it was wild, but I bet you. Yes, yes, let's link them. Let's get their attention. I want to be friends with them. Yes, yes we are.

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

They did.

Monica (:

We can put a link to it in the show notes. Yeah.

Kelsie (:

Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Ashley (:

There's... Yeah.

Monica (:

Because you guys are fangirling over here.

Kelsie (:

I do too, they're so fun. We are, we love them. Big fans of morbid.

Ashley (:

I'm it's great, but I didn't listen because too scary. I have to avoid these sadnesses and...

Monica (:

Meanwhile, Ashley and I are like, we don't like the spooky stuff.

Kelsie (:

If there ever comes a spin -off of this podcast, I promise it's me and Nicole with some sort of spooky podcast.

Nicole (:

Spooky shit, yeah.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

with your like giggly witch voice over there.

Nicole (:

Snickering witch

my gosh

Monica (:

do the intro.

Ashley (:

We're literally editing the podcast and we're like, what's that weird noise? And they're like, it's Kelsey laughing. We're listening. We're like, I don't know at 14 minutes and 10 seconds, there's a really weird sound. it's Kelsey. Sorry to the listeners.

Kelsie (:


Nicole (:



Kelsie (:

It's skills.

Monica (:

I mean, at some point, listeners are going to figure out all of our laughs. Like, if they're not watching the video on YouTube, they're going to figure out all of our laughs and just hear Kelsey.

Nicole (:

She's literally dying.

Ashley (:

Yeah, yeah.

Nicole (:

so the last episode I actually did, I was editing or no, I wasn't editing, but I was watching episode four earlier today and I realized that I snorted so loud. I am so sorry.

Monica (:

You did! My -

Ashley (:


Monica (:

listening to it.

my gosh. Fucking A.

Kelsie (:

The campfire diaries.

Nicole (:

I love when Monica says fuck sorry this is a side note I love what Monica says Because you don't say it a lot. You don't say it a lot

Monica (:

Why? Yes I do. What?

Ashley (:

Cause you don't cuss. Yeah. Yeah. She always says what the F, but then once in a while, fuck will come out and I'm like, yeah.

Kelsie (:

Yeah. Yeah.

Nicole (:

Yeah, yeah, yes, yep, that's exactly it. Yes. Well, her husband already thinks that we're, yeah, and her husband thinks that we are, well, with us, I don't know, but I don't not, you say fuck the least, at least, okay, at the very least, yeah. Yes, please.

Monica (:

Yeah! Fuck yeah!

Ashley (:

We're wearing her down. Because all of us cuss a lot.

Monica (:

I feel like I cuss all the time with you guys.

Ashley (:

No, do you cost the least for sure?

Monica (:


Kelsie (:


Ashley (:

You say F.

Monica (:

Okay noted, I'll make sure that I up my quota for you Nicole.

Kelsie (:

You do say F a lot, yeah.

Nicole (:

But I'm pretty sure James thinks we're corrupting her, but anyway

Monica (:

for sure. For sure.

Ashley (:

Probably. Yeah.

Nicole (:

But I hope he appreciates it, because you did say the other day that he mentioned that you haven't laughed this much in a long time. So I hope he appreciates our, like how funny we are, because we're obviously hilarious.

Monica (:



Ashley (:

The laughing and the cursing come together.

Monica (:

He thinks it's funny how much we think we are funny.

Kelsie (:


Nicole (:

good, okay. And we think we're hilarious.

Ashley (:

We are funny!

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

Guys, are we as funny as we think we are? Boost our egos, tell us it's not just us.

Ashley (:

Please, yeah, please someone tell us.

Nicole (:

Please tell us.

Monica (:

Like this whole podcast might just be for the four of us, like for our own enjoyment.

Kelsie (:

Eyes about this day.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

Again, how to not have a podcast.

Kelsie (:

This is probably one of the best podcasts to really show off our full unhinged personalities.

Nicole (:

We are deranged, you guys. Actually, we're deranged. We're not demure. We're deranged, okay?

Ashley (:


Monica (:

It's true, we are.

Ashley (:

Yeah, not Demure, not Demure. Not mindful. By the time this comes out, people are going to be like, if I hear another motherfucker say the word Demure, I'm going to lose my shit. Because it's already like, man, it's getting played out quick. my God, sorry, Alexa's talking to me.

Monica (:

Right, we might be quoting Demure all week long on Instagram, but we are not mindful.

Kelsie (:

We're really not Demure.

We're not, we're really not.

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

varied appear.

Monica (:

It's already done.

Nicole (:

it's dead already. how rude of her.

Monica (:

Mm. Yeah.

Ashley (:

Ma 'am, I'm filming a podcast in here.

Monica (:

Get out of here, Alexa. Only chat is welcome.

Nicole (:

Only Chad is welcome.

Kelsie (:

Pull over, it's the Petty Patty Wagon.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

no, the petty, petty wagon. Okay, I love the petty, petty, blah, blah, blah, blah. I can't say it, the petty, petty wagon. The people are petty.

Monica (:

my gosh, it is my favorite.

Ashley (:

I love the petty patty wagon.

What are the people petty about today? The people are petty, and we are the people.

Kelsie (:

The people.

Monica (:

What are the people? The people are petty.

Nicole (:

Let's see.

Kelsie (:

What is the most petty reason you've ever ended a friendship or relationship that Heavy on the friendship part. There might be a couple I'm gonna steer away from the relationship ones because we did that last week. I Am I'm read you people's pettiest reasons that they've ended a friendship And these are making me feel a lot better about all the reasons I wanted in friendships lately because these are actually petty We might not match their petty but we might on some of these

Monica (:

Ooh. Wait, wait, wait. Are you reading stories to us or are we think? Okay.


Nicole (:

Let's see it.


Monica (:

So we might not match their petty. Okay.

Ashley (:

We'd love to hear about it, though, regardless.

Kelsie (:


Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

He had weird long ET like fingers and they looked really weird when he was folding his laundry. They just creeped me out. That is why he ended a friendship.

Ashley (:

my gosh.

Nicole (:

I'm trying to picture it. Long ET fingers.

Monica (:

That one's pretty petty. Do you have to, yeah, do you have to be around to watch the laundry?

Kelsie (:

That's pretty petty.

Ashley (:

Well, she didn't have to watch him fold his laundry. Is it only in the laundry situation? That's strange.

Nicole (:

That is pretty petty, that's weird.

Kelsie (:

There's a very specific, yeah, it's very specific. It's honestly a little creepy that you notice that much detail of him folding his laundry.

Nicole (:

So strange. Yeah, it's weird.

Monica (:


Like, I'm trying to imagine it, like, were they crazy, crazy long?

Nicole (:

Me too.

Kelsie (:

I'm picturing my my picture is like

Nicole (:

See, my brain went straight to like Marfan syndrome. Like some people just have really long, cause it's an actual syndrome. And I knew somebody with Marfan syndrome. Yeah, but yeah, the laundry thing is weird.

Kelsie (:

Not good.

Monica (:

So yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Kelsie (:


Ashley (:

But only while folding laundry though? Yeah, it's something's not adding up.

Monica (:

Yeah, that's the weird part. Like, do you need to hang out while they're folding the laundry? Like, you can't go get a snack? No, I do not match. That is way too petty.

Ashley (:

The math ain't mathin'.

Kelsie (:

Whatever the reason may be, I don't match your petty sir. That is next level. okay. Monica's gonna like this one because this kind of shit sent her into a tizzy last week.

Ashley (:

No, too petty.

Nicole (:

Too petty, too petty.

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

He this person ended his friendship because his girlfriend was a total bitch. Fuck you, Ashley.

Nicole (:


fucker showed up in boots.

Kelsie (:

That's literally what it says. Yep. I mean, that's not that petty, no, I think if you don't.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

I mean, that's not petty, like...

Ashley (:

That's not really petty, I don't think.

Monica (:


Because the thing is if you see that while you're dating, what happens when all of the walls come down and you're married and like, no, thank you. No, thank you. that's right. gosh. Okay. I'm in last week's train of thought.

Kelsie (:

Well, it was his friend that unfriended him because of his girlfriend, which I still think is okay. Yeah. Like if, if she's not, if she's not going anywhere and she's that bitchy, like I don't, that sucks.

Nicole (:

Yeah, I can match that.

Ashley (:

Yeah, no, I agree. I'm on board.

Monica (:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, no, if she has, she's going to be bitchy and she's part of his life. Like, okay.

Nicole (:

Also, also it sounds like he's warned his friend like yo your girlfriend's a total bitch like and and he don't seem to care so it's like okay fine you don't want to lose a girlfriend you're gonna lose a friend goodbye but yeah yeah

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:



Ashley (:

I'm sure it negatively affects the friend, like the boyfriend too. know, like his mood's probably worse because his girlfriend's a bitch.

Monica (:

Yeah, I think that's a hard one because I think most people probably have experienced that in some way along the lines, you know, where like you just don't like your friend's boyfriend or whatever and you're just like,

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:

Well, and sometimes, and sometimes when people are like this, I wonder like, was she the problem or were you the problem? Were you jealous? Were you just wanting to hang out and you don't like that she's there all like, so, you know, maybe the friendship didn't need to end, but maybe it's not entirely her fault.

Monica (:


Yes, exactly.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

Yes, I feel like I can match this one, but there's lots of questions. There's lots of variables that it depends.

Ashley (:

At face value, we match. If she is a bitch, then okay.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm. I feel like I've told my best friend many times, I do not like your boyfriend. And that sometimes breaks a bit of a wall, I think. Like, then they start to realize like,

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm, mm -hmm.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

I think sometimes it just depends, like, are they willing to see that the significant other is actual garbage or are you being a little too harsh and maybe that's just your opinion because you're jealous, like Kelsey was saying. It depends, for sure.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.


Nicole (:

Mm -mm.

Ashley (:

In my experience, they're not willing to see and they stay together and the friendship ends.

Nicole (:

Yes. Yeah. Well, sometimes that happens.

Monica (:

Yes. Yeah, that one is definitely like hard territory to navigate though.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

This one. This one's complex. This one is I reached for a penny. And so did my friend. He accidentally scratched my eye and I ended up punching him in the face. We were also roommates. It was a Wednesday and I moved out that Friday.

Ashley (:

What the fuck?

Nicole (:


Ashley (:

That... I don't even understand. Yeah. Over a penny?

Monica (:

that escalated really quickly.

Nicole (:

Yeah, that escalated so quickly, over a penny.

Kelsie (:


He because he got scratched and then so the scratching was an accident. So I actually think this guy is an asshole I or he reacted badly and it ended the friendship, but he punched the guy for scratching him And then that was it. That was the end of the friendship

Nicole (:


Monica (:


Nicole (:

That's weird. No, that's weird, dude.

Monica (:

I feel like there are details missing because if this was like you got scratched and then gut reaction was like you then swung and hit them, like, okay, overreaction. If this was now we're talking about it and we're mad and we're pissed off and I'm coming at you, totally different.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

I'm guessing it was like he scratched him and then they got mad and started arguing and he punched him. Which like still that's still an overreaction. Yeah, if he accidentally

Monica (:


Ashley (:

Did you say scratched his eye? How does your eye get scratched trying to pick up a penny? I'm not understanding.

Monica (:

I know, it's a freaking penny. Why do you both care?

Nicole (:

Yeah, that it's a penny. That is very petty. That is the pettiest. Right.

Kelsie (:

I can't believe they both bent over for a penny. Yeah, no, I don't know.

Monica (:

Great, exactly, I'm like, leave it on the ground? Like, mm.

Nicole (:

Like, that's so crazy.

Kelsie (:

I hope that you guys can resolve this someday because this really feels like a...

Ashley (:

Petty over a penny. They're petty over a penny.

Monica (:

There are 100 % details missing out of that story, which makes me feel like I do not match that petty.

Nicole (:


for the penny.

Kelsie (:

If anything, I would match your friend's pettiness if he wanted to the friendship because sounds like you got a problem. OK. This one is a little rated R. Or X maybe.

Nicole (:

It's an anger problem.

my gosh. Kelsey, you just reminded me of something. Don't let me forget. It's right at all.

Kelsie (:

I know as soon as I did it I was like gosh British accents come in later Okay Okay, I once ended a friendship and a relationship at once because my best friend fucked my girlfriend I should have just had a threesome One of the comments on this is really It's really what got me and once again this I said it was rated X and I meant it

Nicole (:

no, no, you should not have.

Kelsie (:

The person said, is why watching porn is important. can find out if you're a cuck. Monique's like, we're cutting this later. But you have to hear this one.

Monica (:

just, don't know that that's the right perspective. They cheated.

Kelsie (:

I don't, yeah, I mean, I don't think he, yeah, he wasn't petty for the breakup.

Ashley (:

I think the correct perspective was the breakup and then to have the... No, but now to look back and think, we should have stayed together and it should have been a threesome. I think that now you're wrong. Now you're confused.

Nicole (:


That's weird. Yeah, no, disagree.

Monica (:

Yeah. Yeah.

Kelsie (:

Which I think is why that person said, like, basically was insinuating that he's perhaps a cuck if that's his... take on it. It is my favorite word.

Nicole (:

That's your favorite word.

Monica (:

Yeah, I think that's just dumb, honestly. Like, they cheated. They broke the trust.

Nicole (:

Yeah, not petty. Nothing about that was petty. What's ridiculous is that you're questioning yourself after the fact. Ugh, that's gross. Sorry. Again, I'm not here to yuck anybody's yum, but those are not my thing.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, nothing about that was petty. Yeah.

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

Yeah, dude just wants a threesome really.

Monica (:


Ashley (:

He's mentally unwell now.

Monica (:


Ashley (:

the best friend and the significant other. No, that's pretty rough.

Kelsie (:

It's not her yum.

Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

Okay, we'll finish with this one. When I was 17, I dumped my girlfriend because she accidentally farted in front of me and laughed uncontrollably.

Monica (:

That's so petty.

Kelsie (:

That is so petty, but very on brand for a 17 year old.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

That is so petty, come on. I mean, I guess, but.

Monica (:

Yeah, very. But also, for me, I giggle a lot, obviously, but especially if I am, like, really nervous or embarrassed. So I can imagine that, like, for her, like, that's probably she probably did not enjoy that moment. She just didn't know what else to do. Yeah. So traumatic.

Ashley (:

It wasn't a funny laugh, it was like a nervous laugh.

Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

No, that was probably such a traumatic thing for her to be broken up with or for that. probably never to this day she's probably married with three kids and she's never farted in front of her husband. You ruined her self -confidence, you ass.

Monica (:


Nicole (:


You did. Ass. You are the asshole.

Ashley (:

Yeah, probably. This is really funny because my, have a couple that we hang out with and they think farts are so funny and me and my husband, like we don't really, I guess we're just like normal. don't know. do. tell them all the time. We're like, you guys are weird. They just think it's the funniest thing ever, but they'll, they'll love that. They'll love that.

Monica (:

For real.

Kelsie (:


Monica (:

We're not!

Kelsie (:

I don't know if you're normal

Monica (:

That is hilarious.

Nicole (:

So really quick because Kelsey did a British accent. I have got to shout out our first like random chance podcast listener I guess that we that we know of. Okay so I commented on a reel not that long ago that was made by a person that is British okay and

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

that we know of, yeah, our first random listener, yeah.

Monica (:

Yeah, that we know of, yeah.

Ashley (:

That we know of. Yeah.

Nicole (:

this person commented back and she said, I love that your podcast is called a little bit bothered and I can't say it without using a British accent. And all of us cracked up because we're like, actually same. Like we do that all the time. Like a little bit bothered. And I thought it was so funny because this person just randomly commented, you know, like I commented on somebody's content and then this person commented on my content and she went out of her way to look at my page and then find the podcast.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

Same. Love it, but not.

I love it.

Nicole (:

And then message me today, this morning. I need to message her back. By the time this episode comes out, I will have already messaged her back. But she was just like, hey, so random. I found you on that reel, but now I'm obsessed with your podcast. You guys are so funny. And I just want to say thank you. What is her? Heather Schaefer. Thank you, Heather. And we love the British accent with our podcast name too, because we do it all the time. Yeah, it's...

Ashley (:

accents just come out all the time, feel like, for us, so yeah, that is.

Monica (:

Yes. Yeah. Yeah.

Nicole (:

It literally all the time.

Monica (:

And if it's not an accent, it's some other weird ass way of talking.

Nicole (:

Literally. And it's usually in the middle of the sentence, like, why did we just turn British all of a sudden? But I just thought that was so cool. Like, it's crazy how social media works. And yeah, the interwebs are sometimes a really awesome place and sometimes a really scary place. But so thank you very much for checking out our podcast, Heather.

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:


Monica (:

Just, wha!

Ashley (:

What's up?

Kelsie (:

Mm -hmm

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Ashley (:

The interwebs are a tangled, yeah. It's funny how people come together.

Monica (:


Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

Yes. And I'm so excited though to just get to know other people as they start to find our page. I don't know, I just have to like pause and like celebrate too with you guys. I'm just like, for any of you guys listening, especially if like maybe this is way later on down the road, who knows? But like we're starting out small. We don't have massive, huge followings. We don't have, you know.

Nicole (:

We love you!

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

all of that, but we're starting out small and like getting to know everybody. And I think that that's really, really fun. And it's, I dunno, I feel very excited to see where this is going to go, who we're going to get to meet. And just, I love when people like that just like drop into our DMs and say hello, because it means a lot to us. So.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, if you don't know us, but you're listening, absolutely come tell us that we would love to know that we have people listening that we don't know.

Ashley (:

Yeah, every message.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:


Yeah, but I think like what was it that I said earlier this week, like we broke like, was it 30 followers between Apple and Spotify? And then yeah, and then Spotify had like notified that we had like exceeded a hundred streams on something and like, it's just so exciting. It feels very surreal sometimes because we are giggling and having so much fun. But the fact that like people want to join in on the conversation and like hang out with us and like laugh with us about like our book.

Nicole (:


I think 100.

the followers. Yeah.


Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

It does.

Monica (:

group chat and like everything is just really fun.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm. It is really fun. It's wild.

Ashley (:

It is really fun. It's really cool. Every single time a message comes through, we're like, we screenshot it and send it to each other. Like, we're so pumped about it. Like, every single listen, like, those weren't big numbers you just said, like, in the grand scheme of things, but they're huge to us.

Monica (:

Yeah, yeah, we're so excited.

Nicole (:


Monica (:

No, but they're huge for us because, yeah, because we're just like, we're starting out small.

Nicole (:

Also, would like to say we're starting out small and we're also doing everything trial by fire. Like we do not know how to have a podcast. We actually were laughing before we started this because we were having technical difficulties again. And we were like, maybe we should just rename our podcast to technical difficulties and like how to not have a podcast because it literally takes us like 30 minutes before we actually hit record to get our shit together.

Kelsie (:


Monica (:


Ashley (:

It's everything's on fire all the time.

Monica (:

I did not run a podcast.

Ashley (:

Yeah, literally.

Kelsie (:

would like to channel some of my a little bit botheredness this week into a positive statement to say that if you want to support a podcast, especially one like ours where we're brand new, we're not making money. We're just literally doing this with our free time. Like the best way to support a podcast is that and the good thing about it is that it's entirely free and it's word of mouth. So if you could just even just share one of our reels on your stories or, just tell somebody that you love our podcast that

Nicole (:

We have no idea what we're doing.

Monica (:

No, this is just for fun.

Ashley (:

We're winging it.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

That would mean the world and it would make such a difference because that's how podcasts spread is word of mouth. So

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Yep. Yep.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

So huge. But with that also, if you are listening and there is a topic that comes to mind to you that you would love us to discuss and dive into and chat about, send it to our DMs. We would love, love, love to hear from you guys and dig into some of those. So yeah.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

Yes, the DMs are open. Always.

Kelsie (:

I would say nothing's

Yeah. If you ever want to share a story that you feel like is like a petty or something, but you want it to be you want to hop on the petty, petty wagon, but you don't want to be known. You can absolutely submit and we'll keep it anonymous.

Nicole (:

Wee woo.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm. We are the keepers of secrets.

Monica (:

Yeah, we can change some details to keep it anonymous, but let's laugh together. I would love it so much. Yes.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm. Yes, please.

Kelsie (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

I would love that actually, please send us your. Yeah, send us your most unhinged.

Kelsie (:

Yes, give us some real petty patty wagon stories to share so we don't have to keep checking Reddit.

Monica (:

Yes. Reddit is good, but I would love to hear from some listeners.

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:

There will be a submission link in our Instagram bio if you want to do that. Okay.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. And also rate and review. Leave us comments. Make sure you're subscribed on all the things. We're on all the streaming platforms and the YouTubes. And follow us on our socials at A Little Bit Bothered. I think we're on like everything. We're on TikTok, Instagram, all the things. yeah. Mm -hmm. Yes. And we love you. OK. Bye.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm. Yes, awesome.


Yeah, yeah, don't forget to take a screenshot when you're listening and tag us in your stories.

Kelsie (:

yeah love you bye

Ashley (:

Thanks for being here. Love you, bye.

Monica (:

Love you, bye!

About the Podcast

Show artwork for A Little Bit Bothered Podcast
A Little Bit Bothered Podcast
The podcast that escaped the group chat. Conversations about life's annoyances and how we stay sane. We're fine, we're just a little bit bothered.

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About your host

Profile picture for Ashley, Kelsie, Nicole, & Monica

Ashley, Kelsie, Nicole, & Monica