Episode 6

Dead Armadillos & Stolen Breastmilk | A Little Bit Bothered | Ep. 6

In this episode of A Little Bit Bothered, the hosts discuss a mix of serious and lighthearted topics. From a workplace tragedy and the importance of emergency preparedness, to celebrity news and football rivalries, the conversation covers a little bit of everything. They also share ghost stories, chat about quirky keepsakes, and offer their opinions on a variety of random topics.

Wrapping things up, the hosts touch on reality TV and laugh over a hilarious Reddit story about office food theft. Tune in for an episode full of surprises, humor, and the usual offbeat discussions!

*Warning Mamas! - Tooth Fairy talk! ;)*

Welcome to the girls group chat where no topics are off limits and it's like hanging out with your friends.

Comment below and tell us what you're bothered by or what you want to hear the group chat dig into.

Don't forget to subscribe and, as always, stay a little bit bothered... in the best way!

Meet your hosts:

Kelsie @mynameiskelsie

Nicole @niclucchetti

Ashley @ashley.baileybonner

Monica @the.monicajean

Follow us @alittlebitbothered

Join us every Thursday for new episodes!!

Monica (:

Welcome to a little bit bothered podcast where our group chat spills out into your ears where four friends who overshare laugh too much and aren't afraid to get a little too snarky.

Nicole (:

We've taken our brutally honest vulnerable and downright hilarious conversations from the chat and turned them into a podcast Because honestly why keep all this entertainment to ourselves?

Kelsie (:

Whether it's the petty stuff, the deep stuff, or the stuff that makes you wonder, did they really just say that? We're here to say what everyone's thinking but doesn't always say out loud.

Ashley (:

So grab your drink, settle in, and join the group chat. We promise you'll feel right at home, like you're just another one of the crew dishing out hot takes and throwing some shade. We're your hosts, I'm Ashley.

Kelsie (:

I'm Kelsey.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

I'm Nicole. All right, before we jump into it, what's everyone been up to this week?

Who wants to go first?

Monica (:

I mean, I think Ashley and I are kind of in the same boat. is like cold and flu season. Actually, you too, Nicole, right?

Nicole (:

Yes, I've been dying still since last week. Still sick. I'm ill.

Ashley (:

Nicole has a long -term sickness. I'm sick, but I'm hoping I'm I'm trying to convince myself. It's just like a 24 hour thing and I'm fine. I don't know if that's true or not, but I feel like we we like traded our sickness in the group chat because first Nicole was sick. I haven't been sick in a long time and I was so sick yesterday. Nicole was sick and then I got sick. Then Monica got sick and Kelsey's. Yeah, Kelsey's.

Nicole (:


Monica (:

It's true.

Nicole (:


Monica (:

Kelsey's blocking it.

Kelsie (:

I refuse. I rebuke you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke you.

Ashley (:

She's using the power of positivity to keep the illness at bay.

Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

The power of Christ compels your sickness away from me.

Monica (:

I mean, there's...

Nicole (:

Just about to see that.

Ashley (:

my god.

Monica (:

There's several hundred miles between us. I think we're okay.

Kelsie (:

You say that, but look, all three of you, all three of you passing around this sickness.

Nicole (:

Yeah, well, you would think. You would think.

Ashley (:

Yeah, I don't know. It is pretty weird.

Monica (:

Yeah, I don't know. I blame my kids dentist office. Like they freaking love that place to the point where between visits they are literally asking when they can go back because they have like this arcade and like this drill that's coming through the ceiling. It's amazing. But we went this week and I am certain they picked up some germs from from the arcade games.

Nicole (:

It is very strange.

Probably. .

Ashley (:

Yeah, most likely. Our dentist office is really cool too. I don't know. Our doctor's office is not cool. Our dentist office though is cool.

Monica (:

The dentists are always cool. It does.

Nicole (:

for kids, it's gotta be cool or they're gonna be like, get me out of here.

Ashley (:

Yeah, otherwise, yeah.

Monica (:

Yeah, I mean I hate the dentists so like they don't they probably don't like it that much either, but I will say my orthodontist was in the children's side which was really fun because I got to be in like the cool area. It was also really awkward sitting next to the teens getting my braces adjusted, but that's fine.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

There you go.


Ashley (:

yeah, because what, old were you when you got your braces on?

Monica (:

30. Yeah, adult braces. Real great. Highly, highly recommend.

Ashley (:


I would hate that, yeah.

Nicole (:

Hey, honestly, I would do it. My bottom teeth piss me off and I want them fixed. So as soon as I get all my other dental problems fixed, that's gonna be the next thing.

Kelsie (:


Monica (:

Yeah, well it was prime time to get it because we were still all wearing masks from COVID, so nobody knew I even had braces on during all the awkwardness of it. It really was. Yeah, nobody knew.

Nicole (:

hey man, that's like literally perfect timing. That's funny.

Kelsie (:


Monica (:

How about for you Kelsey, what's been going on with your week?

Kelsie (:

You know? Not much. Not that I can think of, really.


Ashley (:

You're, you're... Okay, a boring week. No news is good news sometimes.

Nicole (:



. .

Kelsie (:

I feel like I was due for a boring week because I've been so dramatic for the past few weeks that I've been like riding the petty paddy wagon hard so I had to take a fucking break and just like have a week of nothing.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

Truly you have been. Truly you have been. Truly.

Monica (:

That's true. You did need a mellow week.

Kelsie (:

They're all like, yeah, you fucking dramatic bitch. Good God. So glad you shut up.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

Yes, she needed a she needed a break. She needed a break. It's okay. I can join you on the petty patty wagon though, because I've been on a blocking spree. And it's like nobody is safe. Honestly, I've just been blocking people. Well, you guys are but that's about it. truly. I have literally just been muting blocking like, like you anymore. Goodbye.

Ashley (:

You took a chill pill. Wonderful.

Kelsie (:

I took a chill pill. .

Ashley (:

Are we safe?

Monica (:

Are we safe?

Kelsie (:

I muted a lot of people in the last few weeks.

Ashley (:

I mute people all the time.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

You know, sometimes you just have to though. for, it's for, to save yourself from going too far down the rabbit hole of pettiness and burnout and snarkiness. Yeah.

Nicole (:

Hmm, I agree.


Ashley (:


Kelsie (:

Yes, yes,

Monica (:

did you guys hear about the Wells Fargo story?

Nicole (:

or the one with the lady.

Ashley (:

Okay, saw the headline about this and I specifically was like, no, no, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna indulge this story.

Kelsie (:

Okay, first somebody give the headline and then we can dive into this.

Monica (:


Well, and this one hits close to home because it literally is here in Arizona. So it says, a woman clocked in for work at Wells Fargo on Friday at 7 a Four days later, she was found at her desk dead.

Kelsie (:

And you know, I read another article that said she was found in her cubicle. It's not even like she was in her own office and nobody stumbled upon her. She was in a freaking cubicle for four days and nobody saw her.

Monica (:

Yes! Yes.

Ashley (:


Monica (:


Nicole (:

In the common area.

Monica (:

Yeah, when I first read it, right? I know. When I first read it, I was thinking it was one of the actual banks, which having been a bank teller was absolutely insane to me of how that could have possibly happened. I don't know if it makes it any better, but it was actually at a corporate office. But the fact that it's in a cubicle, like was nobody walking by, like nobody checked on her. Like where was her family not calling the office? Yeah.

Ashley (:

It's pretty hard to imagine.

Nicole (:

slumped over her desk, I can imagine, and nobody noticed her.

Kelsie (:

It is very hard.

Now she's just taking a nap.

Nicole (:

You're right.

Yeah, where was her family? Four days is insane.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, to have no one notice you at the place is odd, but to have no one like have called to be like, where are you? Yeah.

Ashley (:

It's very sad.

Nicole (:

It is so sad.

Ashley (:

Notice you missing? Yeah.

Nicole (:

. . maybe they did, but why didn't they think to check her job is my question. Like if they did, yeah, if they did like notify the police or something or whatever, why didn't they check her place of work? I don't understand.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, why wouldn't you check where she was?

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Yeah. Well.

Kelsie (:

This says that they have round the clock security at this place, so why was she not discovered earlier?

Monica (:


Ashley (:

my god. Or what about a cleaning crew? You would think like a cleaning crew would come through four days? Like what? Such a long weekend.

Nicole (:

Okay, something isn't right something isn't right for days is wild

Kelsie (:

Some employees reported a foul smell but assumed it was faulty plumbing.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm. Well, and she was a 60 -year -old woman, and so I kind of, because I'm trying to connect the dots of how could this possibly make sense? And the only thing I can think of is maybe she lived alone and just like didn't check, like nobody checked in with her over the weekend, but for security to not walk by and see her in a cubicle is absolutely insane to me.

Nicole (:

Are you kidding? No, somebody was worrying about her.

Maybe. That's so sad.

Kelsie (:


Nicole (:

That is so sad.

Ashley (:

Everyone who works there must feel so... I don't know, weird about the whole thing, like guilty kind of and...

Nicole (:

I yeah, I was gonna say a small sense of guilt. Yeah

Monica (:


Ashley (:

I think I'd have to quit, I don't know that.

Monica (:

Kelsey's got a face. What details did you just read?

Kelsie (:

No, it just said that they said that she obviously died sometime during the weekend. But if she clocked in at 7 a on Friday and never left, I think it's pretty obvious she died at some point on Friday if she never clocked out. She didn't just stay the whole weekend in her freaking cubicle and then die at some point.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

Yeah, on Friday. Yeah. Yeah, why would she be there?

Ashley (:


Monica (:

That's terrible.

Nicole (:

I want to how they found her. Was she slumped like forward on her desk? Was she slumped back in her chair? Well, just because I'm thinking like maybe somebody walked past her at the end of the day and maybe she was, yeah, like if she was sitting upright still kind of, maybe they thought she was still working or.

Kelsie (:

We need the details.

Monica (:

she was still working or something.

Kelsie (:

taking a nap.

Ashley (:

I would think maybe she fell on the ground and that's why no one saw her.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

Maybe, maybe, but if you're walking past like, I don't know, man, I don't know.

Monica (:


Ashley (:

That's what I thought.

Kelsie (:

She was at her desk. Her body was found at her cubicle desk. So that doesn't I think they would say floor if she was on the floor.

Nicole (:

Where are they?

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

Where's the security footage of like each floor? need to see like, you know what mean? Like there's gotta be some something on camera. Tik Tokers, where you at?

Ashley (:

We need the TikTok people.

Yeah, the crime TikTokers to come in and analyze this because the math is not math -ing.

Nicole (:

because seriously, something... it's messed up.

Kelsie (:

I feel like that has to be the most logical thing. She had to have just like kind of like slumped and not really fallen so it didn't look like...

Monica (:


Nicole (:

Yeah, maybe she had like a stroke. Did they give cause of death in the article? No?

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

No obvious signs of foul play is all it said.

Monica (:

Yeah, and I'm wondering if it was like one of the 24 -hour centers and like maybe it was like a call center part of it because people are kind of coming and going and they're there all day long. So if security was doing rounds, it wouldn't have looked like off if somebody was still at a desk versus it's the middle of the night, nobody should be here kind of thing.

Nicole (:


Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

maybe, yeah like it was, yeah. That makes sense. Ugh. It is really sad. Yeah, seriously. That poor woman.

Kelsie (:


Monica (:

It's still so sad to me.

Ashley (:

R .I .P. Yeah.

Kelsie (:

And it's done.

Monica (:

Yes, but reading that headline.

Nicole (:

And if she does have any family, that poor woman's family, honestly, because the panic, you must feel about your six -year -old mom not answering her phone or something. You know what I mean? Maybe none of her family lives by her, and that's why it was delayed in finding her or something. I don't know. That's just sad.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

I mean, I could, I can kind of see a delay though, because I'll be honest, like I don't talk to my parents every single day. And so, yeah.

Nicole (:

Well, but that's what I mean. Maybe she does live alone, but she has family. maybe they just didn't correspond that weekend or something. So yeah.

Monica (:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Kelsie (:

Well, you're solidifying that I feel like I'm gonna call my family members to live alone every single day. If you don't answer, I will send out a search party.

Nicole (:

Right, literally. Check on your family. Honestly.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Yeah, I never know what's going on in the world because I do not check the news. so, but I did somehow that story came up. I don't even know how I saw it, but I specifically was like, God, no, can't read that. yeah.

Monica (:

yeah I only found it because of Reddit. Thank you Reddit.

Kelsie (:

I kinda, when Trevor was like deployed, I had a fear that I was gonna choke and die, but nobody would know because I was alone. Yeah.

Nicole (:


Monica (:

That is a terrible fear.

Ashley (:

I did choke one time and I did think I was gonna die. It was very scary. It was like a near -death experience. I was... It really is. I was at work. I worked at a hotel at the time.

Nicole (:

Choking is the scariest thing. Like, I think about that all the time. Go ahead.

Ashley (:

It's really scary and it's like so common. I worked at a hotel at the time I was eating a hard -boiled egg and I was alone and I usually I was at a towel bar Okay, I know I was at a towel bar and I was by myself in there where usually there's a bunch of us and I was eating this hard -boiled egg and it just got lodged in my throat and I was like

Kelsie (:

What did you choke on?

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:


Kelsie (:


Nicole (:


Ashley (:

There was no air getting through. I was like panicking and I was getting ready to like leave to go find somebody to give me the Heimlich maneuver because I was like, my God, I'm going to die in this towel bar. Like, what the fuck? This is terrible. So I leaving to go find somebody and finally, like, I don't know if it was like the egg yolk or what, like started disintegrating a little bit. And there was like a little tiny hole of air that I could like suck in air through. And I was like, I was literally like.

Nicole (:

Mm -mm.

Monica (:

Gosh, Ashley.

Kelsie (:

You should have like rammed into a counter or something.

Ashley (:

But it was like so high, the counter in there. Like literally, all these scenarios were flying through my head. So finally there was like this little sliver of air getting through and then eventually I was able to like, I don't know, choke and breathe, but it was horrifying. And my throat hurt so bad afterwards. It was terrible.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

was gonna say...

my God. I was gonna say I could feel the dryness of the yolk. that is not, that is like the worst thing to choke on.

Monica (:


Ashley (:

Yeah, well here's the, yeah, was really bad. And ever since then, I'm so diligent when I chew now. It's actually haunted me for years because if I feel a piece of food go into my throat that's moderately large, I panic a little bit. I'm still traumatized.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

I think about that a lot.

Kelsie (:

My dad choked. My dad choked on a sauce.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

no. no.

Kelsie (:

My dad was driving and he choked on a sausage and McMuffin He choked on a sausage McMuffin and he tells the story and you can see it the like haunt in his eyes Yes, cuz he was like I thought it was gonna Yes, and I try not I try it It's not it's not funny. But like the fact that is a fucking McMuffin It gets me every time cuz those dry fucking biscuits just

Nicole (:

my gosh, no!

The fear in his eyes? Yeah. Aww. Well, because that's a worst case scenario. You're eating, you're choking, and you're driving?

Monica (:

It's like the trauma coming back up for him. my gosh.

Nicole (:

Right? It's not, it's one of those things that... Yes, yes! And you know, and you know everybody is eating them driving most of the time. So how many other people has this happened to?

Ashley (:

They really are so dry. No, I...

Monica (:

It is, they're so dry.

Kelsie (:

But did I?

Monica (:

Yeah. Yeah.

Kelsie (:


Ashley (:

Yeah. I empathize with him because that shit is scary.

Kelsie (:

But did I tell you? Did I tell you about the time Trevor choked at boot camp?

Monica (:

the net.

Nicole (:


Ashley (:


Monica (:

No. This is going in a direction we did not intend, but let's hear it.

Kelsie (:

In front of like a thousand people too

Nicole (:

Sorry Trevor, I'm so sorry for laughing at your misfortune.

Kelsie (:

Okay, so at family day, it's like the day before they graduate family day you get to spend the whole day with them on base and You get to go to this. me Yeah, okay. So you get to go to like this restaurant and Everybody is there with their families They have like so many tables set up outside so that everyone there can be there to eat at the same time and we're eating

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

And he has made it through his meal and I'm like, I don't really want this meat. Do you want this? And of course he's been eating crap for three months. So he's like, yeah. And he takes a bite of this meat and he starts choking. He starts choking on it. And at first, and his mother is here with us right next to me. And he looks at me and he's like,

Nicole (:


Ashley (:

MREs and shit, yeah.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

Hell yeah.

Monica (:


Ashley (:



Kelsie (:

He's like choking, he's starting to turn colors. he's trying to like, he's trying to like stick his finger down his throat and it's not working. And he kind of like hung upside down and was able to get like a breath, but it's still not coming up. And he's like turning colors and show, share and realize is what's happening. And she stands up and she goes, somebody help, he's choking, he's choking. And I kid you not, so all these drill instructors,

Ashley (:

my god.

No... God...

Kelsie (:

swarm the table. Thousands of people are silent. We're surrounded by a thousand people and they're all silent watching Trevor get the Heimlich maneuver from a drill instructor. And it's not working and Sharon is... Sharon is bawling and there's other moms that have come up to hug her and console her because she's sobbing and I'm just sitting there like...

Nicole (:

I was going to say these giant Marines everywhere.

Monica (:


Ashley (:

my God.

Kelsie (:

And so he's getting the heim like it's not working and then finally they're like stick your finger down your throat stick your finger down your throat so he like gags himself and he's able to throw it up and He takes a breath and and the whole place bursts into applause

Nicole (:

my gosh.

Monica (:

That's terrifying.

Nicole (:

my gosh. gosh. Everyone is like, thank God.

Ashley (:

my God.

Kelsie (:

Everyone is applauding and and the the moms are hugging Sharon and she's And we all sit down and Trevor's like mom if you'd have just let me I was already gagging myself

Monica (:

was a bonding experience.

Nicole (:


Ashley (:

That's like a nightmare for him.

Nicole (:

I thought you were going to say Sharon jumped into mom mode and like smacked him on his back real hard and it came like flying out like she panicked. Sharon get it together Sharon.

Monica (:

I did too.

Ashley (:

That's a different mom mode, she panicked. Panic mom.

Kelsie (:

No, she went straight into panic mode. I mean, she was screaming, somebody help, he's choking, he's choking.

Ashley (:


That's a horrifying.

Monica (:

You laughing?

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:

The applause, I wish I had it on camera, the applause at the end was just really... the cherry on top.

Ashley (:

Yeah. I know. feel like making himself throw up. That's dangerous. He could have like aspirated.

Nicole (:

Honestly, thank God he didn't die and he got to graduate the next day and you know Yeah, I was gonna say he could have aspirated himself but it okay clearly So sorry Trevor for laughing I am really

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

For real?

Kelsie (:

Well Heimlich wasn't working so he was out of options.

Ashley (:

Last case, yeah. Damn.

Monica (:

my gosh.

Kelsie (:

That was my favorite story.

Monica (:

We're glad you're okay.

Ashley (:

Well, we did buy those. Have you ever seen the commercials for those D choker? Like it's like the mask with the plunger. Yeah, we I bought a three pack of those when I had kids because I was like They works. It was over a hundred dollars. Yeah Yeah, it was expensive. I gave my other two to I think we gave one to my brother and sister -in -law and one to my friends that have a new baby

Nicole (:

Yeah, we have them too. Yep, I got them. So did I. I mean, true, but yeah. Excuse me.

Kelsie (:

They should not. It's a crime that they cost as much as they do though. Yeah.

Nicole (:

I have like three and there's like an infant, a child and then an adult size and they're, you know, in my kitchen at all times. I thought about buying another set for the car because it's like my worst fear that one of my kids is gonna choke. Like I'm by myself a lot of the time. So I'm so nervous that like one of our kids is gonna choke when I'm out with them, not at home with the device, you know, like, or my other fear.

Kelsie (:

I need to buy them, but...

Monica (:

I do too.

Ashley (:



It is scary.

Nicole (:

which is kind of a newer fear, because I did choke the other day and it wasn't like bad, but it was enough to where I was like, that could have been bad. Like if I would have just died right here on the floor in front of my children, how traumatizing. That's where my brain goes. Yeah. What would they do? What would they do? They would just be here. Yep. I hate it. I don't like how my brain works like that, but it does. yeah, I have to not go there actively. So, and truth of that suck. Not fun.

Ashley (:

And then what would they do? And then what would they do? I think about that too.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

intrusive thoughts. Yeah.

Ashley (:

Yeah, it's not helpful.

Monica (:

Well, I always have like, I don't know about you guys, but like, I always have a thought about that too, of like, what would they do? Because we don't have landline phones anymore, so they'd have to get into my phone and like, I don't give them my password for a lot of different reasons. But then like, what do they do? I know that there's like the 911 option on there, so I guess that's probably what it would be, but it just sometimes freaks me out. Yeah.

Nicole (:

Yeah, what would they do?

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

Right. Right.

Yeah, but again, you'd have to teach them that. I haven't taught my five -year -old that or my two -year -old wouldn't know what to do. What if my five -year -old was at school with my two -year -old? It was just me and my two -year -old. you know.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm. Yeah, I have an ether.

Monica (:

Yeah, I mean my kids have learned to call 911, but it's just it's not as simple as like for us when we were growing up. I'm like just go grab like the landline and like that's just it.

Nicole (:

As it used to be. Right. Yeah. Right. It's scary. So scary. Cautiously chew like Ashley does. That's the answer. Chew your food until it's all chewed.

Ashley (:


Yeah, you need to, everyone needs to just chew cautiously. Take that away from this episode. Don't take any chances.

Kelsie (:

On a less morbid note, let's flip this. a less morbid note, Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber had a baby.

Monica (:

my goodness. I know, how did we get here?

Nicole (:

I heard.

Ashley (:

Can I tell you that when I didn't even know Hailey Bieber was pregnant, that's how little I know about what's happening, like outside of my little bubble. I didn't even know that was a thing.

Monica (:

That's right.

Nicole (:

I just found out the other day.

Monica (:

Yeah, I knew but that's because somehow the algorithm always brings in the videos of the people who are still pro Selena and anti -Haley. I don't know why I'm not on a team, but I just always get those videos.

Nicole (:

my gosh.

Social media needs to let that one go.

Kelsie (:

They've decided that you're on team Selena and you don't have a choice. I mean it's time to get over it.

Nicole (:


Ashley (:

Yeah, the vote has been cast for you.

Monica (:

I guess, like for real.

Nicole (:

That's so weird. Like they're married, now they have a baby. Are we gonna stop with that now, that feud? I hope so. Or are the Team Selena people really just gonna keep going hard? Yeah, how weird.

Kelsie (:

I hope so.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Ashley (:

Yeah, it's so awkward for everyone involved.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, it really is very awkward for all of them, I'm sure, to have that continue to go on.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

It really is. Well, and actually, so here's the real that I saw of how I learned that they were having a baby. It's so sad. Apparently, like years ago, Selena and Justin had an interview and somebody asked them like if you had a baby, like what would you name them? And I don't remember what it is, but Selena gave a name. So there was paparazzi of Haley and Justin walking out and the paparazzi asked Justin about the baby's name and like, what about this? And you could just like see it on his face. It was so...

Nicole (:

He was just like, why would you go there? Yeah. That's so rude.

Monica (:

sad. Yeah, like it's just so rude. It's so disrespectful. But the worst part is you could see it on Haley's face because she also knew.

Ashley (:

That's fucked up. Yeah, paparazzi are assholes.

Kelsie (:

That's so rude.

Nicole (:

Yeah, because she obviously has seen the interview or knew whatever and that's messed up.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

Mm -hmm. Yeah, it's it's pretty fucked up. Yeah Yeah

Kelsie (:

I think they named the baby like Jack Blue or something.

Ashley (:

Was that while she was pregnant or?

Nicole (:

Yeah, Jack Blues or Jack Blue Beaver or something like that. It's either Jack. Yeah, I think it's Jack Blues. Yeah, it's kind of cute. I like it. Jack Blues. think that's cute. Very cute. It flows. And I kind of like that they I kind of like that they picked Jack and they didn't make some weird, you know, because like Hollywood's kind of strange when it comes to naming their children. So I'm I'm for I'm team Jack.

Kelsie (:

It might be Jack Blues. I think there's an S on it.

Monica (:

Yeah. Yeah.

Ashley (:

Hmm. That's not terrible. Yeah.

Kelsie (:

Jack Blue's Bieber.

Ashley (:

Yeah, it's not bad. I feel like people pick wild names these days.

Monica (:

I don't like it.

I do like Jack, but the blues part is weird.

Ashley (:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

Mm -hmm. Yes.

Nicole (:

blues, Good for them. It is good for them.

Ashley (:

surprisingly basic of a name.

Monica (:

yeah i mean i don't hate it compared to other celebrities but the blues part i don't i don't know that i love it yeah

Kelsie (:

It's different. I wonder if there's something that it came from

Nicole (:

It is different. I would think, I feel like if it's music related, maybe, I don't know, maybe Justin secretly likes the blues and we don't know that, so, you know, could be. Okay, calm down Elton.

Ashley (:

I'm sure.

Kelsie (:

Maybe they like the blues.

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:

That's why they call it the blues

Monica (:


Ashley (:


Monica (:

Kelsey's karaoke.

Kelsie (:

dangerous to give me a mic okay

Do you guys watch football?

Ashley (:


Monica (:

Kelsey, this might be a segment for you. No. Yeah. I don't know. But NFL drama annoys me.

Ashley (:

Smooth. I don't watch football.

Nicole (:

I think Kelsey, you're the only one that does.

Kelsie (:

well then why? Who suggested this? Why did you suggest something you don't do?

Ashley (:

I did.

Nicole (:


Ashley (:

It was relevant! People are planning their fantasy teams. I did try to play fantasy one year, because I thought it would be fun, but...

Nicole (:

I don't know. Not me.

Monica (:

I will just say that is one thing my husband is not into and I'm very thankful. Like it just looks, just fit, well both. I mean, we like football, but okay, no, no, no, we like football, but we hate how like the leagues are managed and whatnot and like all of the commercials, like it's just, it's a whole thing. It's a huge rabbit hole if you go down, like we hate it, but we love watching, yeah, we love watching like soccer football though.

Kelsie (:

I don't do fantasy.

Ashley (:

Is fantasy football or football in general?

Nicole (:

Football no you like football

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:

It sounds like a rabbit hole.

Nicole (:


Football. Football. Colombia! Football.

Monica (:

So, football, yes. But I...

Ashley (:

I think I could really get into football if I put forth the effort. I've thought about it last like three years.

Kelsie (:

Well, if you guys don't care, then I'm automatically dubbing you Chiefs fans and I expect your support this whole season. So, thank you. No. Yes. You have no choice. Why? Why? You don't have to be a Swiftie. I've been a Chiefs fan my whole life. Stop. No. Everybody. No. No. I'm going to pull a two weeks ago. Everybody shut the fuck up.

Nicole (:

I used to.

Monica (:

Sure, yeah. Go Taylor's boyfriend.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

no. Sorry. I can't.

Ashley (:

yeah, I don't think I want to be a Chiefs fan. I'm not a Swiftie.

Nicole (:

Sorry, I can't. I can't. I'm sorry, I can't.

me either. wait, who's Noah? I need to know. Wait.

Ashley (:

I know, but don't they have enough fans? Don't they have enough fans? They have enough bandwagon fans. You know what?

Monica (:

She wants to cheer for the underdog.

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:

I am gonna put this out here for all the people listening. Chiefs fan, my whole life has nothing to do with Taylor Swift. I like Taylor Swift, but I'm not a bandwagoner. I was here when they sucked, and I will be here when they suck again. Okay, it always comes back around. Okay, yes.

Nicole (:

That is true. I know you're a Chiefs fan.

It comes back around. It always does. I have a question though. Who are the Chiefs like rival?

Monica (:

It always comes around,

Kelsie (:

well it used to be the Broncos but the Broncos kinda suck dick now so... It's hmmm... The Raiders. The Raiders are a big one. The Raiders are assholes. You don't wanna be a Raiders fan. I'm sorry if you're a Raiders fan and you're listening.

Nicole (:

Okay, I'm a Raiders fan. Sorry.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

That's like one of the few things I know about football.

Nicole (:

I just I have this thing Okay, I do this thing with my best friend too because we're both really big hockey fans But she's a st. Louis blues fan and anytime they're playing and like my teams that I like are not playing I will specifically root for the ones that are against hers. So I'm gonna do the same thing you I don't know I Don't know and that's why it's cuz I'm like not nice. So

Kelsie (:

Why? Why do you do that? That's so mean!

Ashley (:

That is annoying.

Kelsie (:

That is mean girl energy.

Nicole (:

It is mean. It is. It's just like this. This is this little mean thing that I do and I will text her. Yeah. I will. I will text her and and like actively root against her team just because it's funny. So I am now a Raiders fan. I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I do do that, though.

Ashley (:


this little mean thing that I do.

Kelsie (:

I'm disgusted by you right now. I can't even look at you.

Ashley (:

That is not a girl's girl.

my gosh.

Monica (:

Kelsey looked like she was gonna cry, but it's so mean.

Ashley (:

Yeah, she's taking a back.

Kelsie (:

I am shooketh at the level you have taken this


Nicole (:

only because one year our teams were going against each other. I was a hardcore for like the Chicago Blackhawks and, they were against the blues. like it became a rival thing. And so then after that, I was like, well, now I have to rival you anytime your team is playing anybody else because like, just, I committed to the bit. Okay. I'll pick somebody else.

Kelsie (:

Whatever you do, if you're gonna jump on a fan base, don't do the Raiders. Pick somebody who's at least better.

You can be a part of Bill's mafia. They're loud and kind of mean, but they at least have a good team. They have a good team.

Nicole (:

okay. Yeah, sure, I'll do that. perfect! I'm loud and kind of mean. That's great. I fit in just fine.

Ashley (:


It'll fit in perfectly.

Kelsie (:

Best football people are gonna come for me.

Nicole (:

That's okay, I'll back them. No, I'm just kidding.

Monica (:

feel like this is a very stereotypical girls football conversation right now though. Who has the best colors?

Nicole (:

I agree.

Ashley (:


Yeah, their uniforms are pretty.

Nicole (:

when I was in high school though, I did really like the Patriots. My boyfriend at the time got me, no, not even high school younger than actually, but my boyfriend at the time was a big Patriots fan and actually taught me like about football, because I was like, I don't care less. So he taught me about it and then I kind of became a Patriots fan after that, but then I just stopped caring about football. So, you know, so, okay, sorry.

Kelsie (:

Speak for yourself.

Monica (:

What's their mascot?

Kelsie (:


Ashley (:

If I had to pick a team, I'd probably pick the Bears. Cause we are from Chicago, so I always just like default to their teams, you know? Yeah. Blackhawks, the Bears, the Cubs. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Kelsie (:

That's fine. Yeah, we can live with that.

Nicole (:

Black Hawks. Black Hawks. They are so good, honestly. Well, at least they were. I will not be an Eagles fan because my stepdad is an Eagles fan. I will not, I refuse.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

Be an Eagles fan, Nicole. Actually, I changed my mind. If you're gonna be a fan of somebody, be an Eagles fan. Why?

But Jason Kelsey and Kylie Kelsey are so nice.

Nicole (:

Sorry, good for them. I hope not.

Monica (:

They are so nice.

Kelsie (:

Fuck off, I'm mad at you.

Ashley (:

Not relevant.

Monica (:

it I love that Nicole's team pics have like literally nothing to do with the team but who likes the teams?

Nicole (:

Nothing to do with the team. Yes, absolutely.

Kelsie (:


Ashley (:

Driving a wedge.

Kelsie (:

I'm confused then. Why can't you be a fan of the tea that your friends like?

Nicole (:

I don't know. I really don't know. I don't know. I'll consider it. I'll consider it for you. I will consider being a Chiefs fan for you because you're a fragile little thing right now. So I will consider it just for you.

Ashley (:

She's gonna cry.

Kelsie (:

I'm incapable of facing this kind of rejection. want you to know.

This is a whole tangent we've gone on. We haven't even made it to the first segment.

wasted enough time on all these shenanigans. Let's get to the hard hitting questions. And by hard hitting, mean absolutely obnoxious, no meaning at all questions. Okay.

Nicole (:


Ashley (:


Nicole (:


Ashley (:


Monica (:

Duh, because isn't that part of what the group chat is? It's like literally meaningless conversation.

Nicole (:

Yes. Yes.

Kelsie (:

Yes, we, yes, part of the group chat is finding out the weird things that you need to know about your friends and not anything actually helpful. So.

Ashley (:

Nonsense. NONSENSE.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm, mm -hmm, mm mm

Kelsie (:

My first question, I'm going to go first. Thank you. Is for Nicole.

Ashley (:

You have the floor.

Nicole (:

gosh, my god, okay.

Kelsie (:

Have you ever seen a ghost?

Nicole (:

stop, yes actually I have. And Ashley does not want to talk about this, I already know. Ashley is anti spooky. But I have apparently a few times,

Only once that I myself remember, but apparently I've seen several ghosts. When I was a youngin, so guess this is technically like my mom's story because I don't actually remember it, but I used to speak to my biological father's parents because they both passed before my mom and him even got together. Didn't know them at all.

but I would be like in my crib or in my room and my mom would hear me talking to somebody and like, know, initially she just thought like, she's just babbling, she's talking, whatever, until I actually started like having conversations. Specifically, there was one time where I got a haircut and my mom kept hearing me say, you think my haircut is Bella, very Bella and that's beautiful in Italian and my grandparents both were Italian and so.

Like they must have been saying that to me from the other side. And my mom came in and she was like, who thinks you're, or she was like, yes, Nicole, I think your hair is very Bella. And I was like, not you. And she was like, what? And I was like, Nana and Pop Pop, they think my haircut is very Bella. And Bella means beautiful. Like I went on this whole thing, like telling her that I was having this conversation with these people that I didn't know. And.

She was like, Nana and Pop Pop, like really confused her because I don't call my grandparents Nana and Pop Pop, I call them grandma and grandpa. So she had no idea what I was talking about. And a little while later, like some days later or something, I was in my parents' bedroom and under, my dad had all his like photo albums under their bed and unprompted, I just went in there and grabbed one of the photo albums and flipped it open and I was like, that's Nana and that's Pop Pop.

pointed right to his parents. And my mama was like, okay, that's Nannan Pop -Up. And from then on, she just let me talk to them in my crib and have full conversations with them and didn't interrupt after that. She's like, tell Nannan Pop -Up I said hi. you know, yeah, it wasn't scary. the other time, the time that I remember, I don't know if this was like a scary or if it wasn't a scary. We lived in this house that was,

Ashley (:

I guess that's better than a scary ghost. don't... Yeah.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

actually haunted by a few things, don't know what they were.

Okay, my second ghostly encounter was when I was in high school, actually. And we lived in this house that was haunted by like several things. So that house was just really weird. I have kind of a few stories from that house. But maybe we'll save that for spooky season. But one night, I guess there was a party down the street and it went kind of awry and

some dude was pissed that his girlfriend was there with another guy and brought a gun to said party and was like shooting up my neighborhood, which was very weird because neighborhood, that was like not normal for the neighborhood. the bullets actually went through like my neighbor's house and my window was in the front of the house. So.

I didn't hear any of this. had headphones in because that's how I used to sleep with headphones in blasting music and had no idea nothing, anything was happening. Well, my mom comes like bursting into my room to make sure that I'm alive. And I obviously am alive. Hello, I'm here. But after all the commotion, she didn't want me to sleep in my, in my room anymore that night. Cause she was like, what if this guy comes back and he like, you know, runs down the neighborhood again with a weapon. Like let's just put you in the living room instead of in your room. And I was like, okay.

So I'm laying on the couch listening to my music again and I'm trying to fall asleep. And I can see from the front door a full body like apparition of this red thing, like this red person type mist, kind of, I don't know. And it just walked from my front door all the way across the living room, past me and into the kitchen and out the back door. And I just didn't know what to do. So I was like, okay.

Good night and I turned around and I fell asleep. was like, I'm not gonna question anything. I am not gonna, no, I don't wanna know. I don't wanna know who you are, what you're doing. Good night. I just went to sleep. I was done. I'm shocked. I'm shocked. But that was honestly the least scary thing that happened in that house. I was kind of like, that house was not fun. I did not like that house.

Kelsie (:


Ashley (:

I never could have gone to sleep after that. I'd never sleep again.

Monica (:

No, I'd be awake for a week.

Kelsie (:

Mm -mm.

Ashley (:

That's horrifying.

Nicole (:

Years later, Justin and I rented a house with the same exact layout in the same exact neighborhood and I was scared that we were gonna also have a haunting, but we were fine. But yeah.

Kelsie (:

What else happened in that house that that was the least scary thing? You actually saw something and that was the least scary thing.

Monica (:

Right? What are you holding back?

Nicole (:

So, well.

Yeah, so, and I saw a few things. There was actually also not scary. There was a small child, like residual energy spirit, whatever you want to call it, who would just kind of torment things. would knock cups down off the counter. he would, so we had this hallway that was like, no, he wasn't like aggressive or anything. He just was literally a pain in the butt. He was a kid and he would pick on like,

Ashley (:



Monica (:

You have a poultry face?

Nicole (:

He would just minor inconveniences like unplugging the vacuum when you were using it and like throwing the cups, okay? Like minor inconveniences.

Kelsie (:

It's giving peeves energy, am I right?

Nicole (:

And one time, so we had this pony wall, like a half wall where the hallway was instead of it being like, you know, full solid two walls. There was a half wall and like my mom and I both were in the living room or in the kitchen or something. We were in like we could see the wall. It was in our line of sight. We thought my brother, who was as tall as the wall, like if he was walking down the hallway, you could only see the top of his head.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

I'm sorry.

Kelsie (:


Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

I guess he was like five, I think. And we thought he came out of his room and walked down the hall and we were waiting for him to like round the corner into the living room and nothing. And we were like, Cory, what the heck? So we get up and like look around thinking that maybe he's hiding. No, he wasn't there. My mom goes into his room. He's still asleep. So it's just a little ghost kid like running up and down the hallway. And you know, he was pretty chill, actually. He would sometimes though, like kind of

try to wake my brother, my youngest, youngest brother. He was one or, yeah, one at the time. He would try to like wake him up in his crib and my mom would have to tell the kid like, leave him alone, he's asleep, come into my room and I will turn on the TV and put on cartoons and she would and then my youngest brother would just sleep the rest of the night and he wouldn't be bothered anymore. But there was something in my, right? Literally like, yeah.

Monica (:

I don't like this house. Right. Not what your mom signed up for.

Ashley (:

What the fuck? What. The fuck.

Kelsie (:

Parenting a whole ass ghost child.

Nicole (:

No, but it was my mom has a lot of paranormal experience too. She's also very sensitive. but there was something in my brother, my middle brother, there was something in his room. We, I never got answers. Don't want to know. And where his room was, it was like down the hallway. It was his room and then the laundry room, which was also the garage, then the bathroom and my room. And it was like in an L shape. So I was at like the very

end and he was kind of at the top. And from in the little corner like basically from where his closet was in the room to the bathroom was like weird energy. And once I was in my room at night I would not come out because I would go to open the door and freeze like in just be terrified like it was just so

eerie and weird and I couldn't describe it and I didn't know how to describe it but I would never leave my room. Even to pee it was like I would run in the bathroom and then run back to my room because it was terrifying and I had really really bad, what do you call that when you can't sleep? Insomnia. The entire time that we lived there and I'm a sleeper, I'm a hard sleeper and I've never experienced that except for when we lived there. And my little brother would not sleep in his room. He would start out in there

Monica (:


Ashley (:


Nicole (:

and always run to my mom's room like crying because there was something in his closet. And he would say that, the woo guy is in my closet. The woo guy is in my closet. And it was like, we don't know what, we don't, we still don't know. My stepsister, she came to stay with us. She lived in Pennsylvania and she came to stay with us for, I don't even know how long she was visiting. And so we put her in my brother's room because at that time we had moved my two brothers into one room.

Monica (:

That is terrifying.

Nicole (:

and then they were fine together. My middle brother stopped having like super bad nightmares and he stopped going in my parents' room after we moved him into the littlest brother's room. But she went and stayed in there. We made up the room for her and we didn't say anything to her. We didn't tell her anything. And after the first night of her staying in there, she woke up in the morning and she was like, I don't know what the fuck is going on in that room, but I had really bad dreams all night long and there's something in that freaking closet.

And we just were like, sorry. Whoops. Sorry, there's nowhere else for you to sleep though. So you're going to have to stay there.

Ashley (:

God, you used her as a guinea pig.

Monica (:

Yeah, yeah. Sorry, you're sharing a room with the ghost. We forgot to you.

Ashley (:

Did you guys just wall off that room after that? I would never use that room.

Nicole (:

No, we just, yeah, I mean, we really kind of just use, yeah, we just use it as a storage unit, like pretty much like anything that needed to be go in storage ended up in, in that room. It was a bird room for a little while because my, my stepdad, yeah, my stepdad had, what are they called? Cockatiels? Yeah, he had cockatiels and, cause he used to breed them at one point and he stopped breeding them and we only had two and we moved them into that room.

Monica (:

Poor birds.


Nicole (:

because they were annoying. I don't like birds. But we moved them into that room and shortly after we moved them into that room, they both died.

Kelsie (:

I was about to say, you're gonna tell me they mysteriously fucking died, aren't you?

Monica (:

I knew you were gonna say that.

Ashley (:

my god. huh, that's what I thought too. I would move, honestly. I would never, I would never stay there.

Nicole (:

They did, mysteriously, literally. We found them. We did. We were there for a year. We were there for a year until our lease was up. And then when we moved, we actually moved around the corner to a different house. And when we moved, we moved in a total of six boxes and we never closed them. We just put stuff in them, put them in the car, drove it around the corner, emptied it, brought them back. And we continuously told whatever was there, you cannot come with us. You are not coming with us.

Monica (:


For real, how long did you live there?

Kelsie (:

I would too.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

You cannot attach yourselves to us. We are leaving and you're staying. And we moved around the corner and didn't have any other problems ever after that.

Ashley (:

That's wild.

Monica (:

I don't know, I think my limit would have been babysitting a ghost and turning on the TV for them. Like I would have been out at that point.

Ashley (:

Yeah. The first red flag would have sent me.

Nicole (:

No, yeah, like honestly, honestly, nothing was nothing. Nothing was too scary except for that. Whatever weird energy was in there. And as long as you didn't go over there. Yeah. The woo guy. Mm hmm. Yep. That thing. long as and as long as you didn't go like in there or over there, honestly, it was fine. Like kind of. I mean, the other ones were fine. So I don't know, actually.

Ashley (:

except for the woo guy.

Monica (:

Yeah, except for the fact that they killed your birds.

Ashley (:

Yeah, the wookie that killed the birds.

Monica (:

As long as you just don't use part of your house, they're really nice.

Kelsie (:


Nicole (:

I don't know if it was built on some kind of like burial ground. I have no idea. It's in Happy Valley. Yep. And you really never know. So I don't know if any of my neighbors had any like hauntings or if it was just us. I have no idea about the previous tenants. I don't Yeah, I could talk about ghosts for a long time though. We'll save that for spooky season, which is coming soon.

Monica (:

I mean in Arizona you never freaking know.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

That's crazy.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

It is. It's almost here.

Ashley (:

Indeed it

Nicole (:

okay Ashley, here we go. If you were a professional.

athlete. Sorry, my brain like short circuited. you were a professional athlete, what would your walk up song be like, you know how like when they come out to their, you know, not something by Drake. I'm kidding.

Ashley (:

What? Okay.

my gosh.

Okay come - I don't think I would pick something by Drake. Okay wait. Shit.

Nicole (:

I don't think so either, that's why I said it.


Ashley (:

Okay, I guess I have one. I don't even know if this is true or not. This is just the only song that's in my head. And I'll tell you why. Okay, the song I'm thinking of is, I don't even literally know who sings it, but it's like, it's so generic. It's the, will, we will rock you. Okay, and here's why it's in my head. It's the only song in my head because the other day, I have this new coworker. He's this guy. He's like, just,

Nicole (:

This is good. This is good.

It's Queen! It's literally Queen!

Ashley (:

a very like cookie cutter, like, you know, nice type of man. And he was in his office area by himself the other day and I walked by and he was listening to that song and I just started laughing because I've never heard anybody just like not ironically, you're at a sporting event listening to that song. Yes. my God. He were just in the office and he's got a We Will Rock You playing and he's like tapping his foot. He's an accountant.

Nicole (:

Hell yeah.

Kelsie (:


Nicole (:

Shut up. I love that song. It's Queen. I'm judging you. Because it's Queen.

Monica (:


Cause it's a legit good song.

Kelsie (:

an accountant.

Ashley (:

He's an accountant and he's doing accounting and listening to that song. And I'm just like, this is so weird right now.

Monica (:

He's pig.

Hey, you gotta pump yourself up for that, okay? You gotta keep it interesting.

Nicole (:

Accounting is boring. He's like, I need some fun in my life. I like it though. I could see you coming out to We Will Rock You or like, yeah.

Ashley (:

Yeah, yeah, no, I agree. my god.

Monica (:



Kelsie (:

Someday when we're rich and famous and we have a live tour, your come out song is gonna be that.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

That's what we're coming out to.

Ashley (:

After this is over, I'm gonna think of a better one, like a song that I actually like. But for now, it's We Will Rock You.

Kelsie (:


Nicole (:

Save it for next episode. That's the best.

Monica (:

That's hilarious though. I can't believe like you've never actually just like listened to the song though.

Ashley (:

No, I've listened to the song. I've listened to it. I just didn't think people just like, like just enjoy that song. Okay, outside of, that would never come up on my Pandora is all I'm saying. I just.

Nicole (:

unironically listen to it. I enjoy it very much.

Monica (:

I mean, all of their songs.

Nicole (:

I That's, really? I have a Queen station. I

Monica (:

I knew too.

Ashley (:

my god.

You know what? I'm just now realizing this could take a turn, but I'm gonna ask it anyway. What's the weirdest item you keep by your bed?

Monica (:


Nicole (:


Monica (:


Kelsie (:

I'm too.

Nicole (:

that might get weird.

Ashley (:

I did not intend it to be sexual in nature. And honestly, something sexual probably wouldn't be that weird because it's a bed. So you could stray a different route, certainly.

Nicole (:


So you gotta go weirder than that.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

okay, actually, because I was just cleaning out my dresser nightstand that I have, and I forgot that I stored my eight -year -old's loose teeth in my bedside. So I have teeth. I have teeth.

Nicole (:

you have something.

Yes, you have teeth in your bedside table. love it. Yes. No, that's amazing.

Kelsie (:


Ashley (:

Do you have, wait a minute, hold on, I'm sorry. Do you have all your children's teeth?

Monica (:

Well, only one of my kids has lost teeth so far, and so he's lost four of them. But I legit don't know what to do with them. I don't know if I'm supposed to keep them, if I throw them away. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Right now they're just in Ziploc bags until I decide.

Ashley (:

okay. But you have them next to your bed.

huh. huh.

Nicole (:


Ashley (:

Well you have multiple children and this is going to turn out to be a big bag of teeth.

Monica (:

I'm not keeping all of them and I think it's kind of gross but it's also one of those things where it's like that's what all of our moms and grandmas did was like the lock of hair and the teeth. Yes! Yes they did! Yeah there's people who have like little little containers that are just filled with teeth and it's creepy as all freaking get out but I...

Nicole (:

You're kidding.

Ashley (:

They kept our teeth? My parents didn't have my teeth.

Nicole (:

I have Lola's eye.

Kelsie (:

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

felt bad and I didn't know what to do and I'm like it's way too late at night to think about this shit so it's going in a ziplock bag and I'm hiding it till I decide. But I forgot until literally last week when I was looking for headphones and I was like what the hell is this? teeth, it's just some teeth. But yeah so only my oldest has lost teeth and so I have four but I'm preparing for more because Jonah has a little shark tooth right now so.

Nicole (:

Tooth Fairy duties.

Those are teeth.

Ashley (:

Well, I'm glad I asked you.


Nicole (:

I love it. Being the creep that I am that is, I love that. It's right up my alley. Not yet. My children haven't lost, not my children. Actually not my children, but you don't like this discussion, Ashley. So we won't talk about that either. No, and I don't have them by my bed, but actually I do have my oldest dog. have his first tooth that he ever lost somewhere. I don't know where it is, but I do have it.

Monica (:


Ashley (:

You have teeth by your bedside too, Nicole?

Kelsie (:

Not her children's.

Ashley (:

Any... yeah.

Monica (:

no. Your dogs!

Ashley (:

What, you have other people's teeth? Pet, old pet teeth?

Monica (:

For some reason that doesn't creep me out as much.

Nicole (:

I only kept one. I only kept one because I found it. Yeah, that's the only one I found so I only kept one. But I have like, I don't have them by my bed right now because I have nothing by my bed, but I have other dead things. I think that's what Kelsey was getting at. She was implicating that I have dead things in and around my house because I do.

Kelsie (:

I only kept one.

Ashley (:

Very odd.

She sent a screenshot the other day of a conversation with her husband. So strange. And her husband was sending her pictures of dead animals. And she was getting excited over them.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

Yep. My husband sent me a picture. I'll tell you. I will tell you. My husband sent me a picture. My husband sent me a picture of an armadillo that was dead that he found by his work. And I was like, that is awesome. And it was intact. So most of the armadillos that you see around where we live are

Monica (:

Because what would you like to do with them, Nicole?

You little weirdo.

Nicole (:

smothered to smithereens because they've been hit by a vehicle. Well, this one just was dead. And I was like, ooh, I want to stuff it. And he literally was like, it already had ants. I checked. And I was like, this is how I know he loves me.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

love dead things.

Monica (:

there's a chance here, there's a possibility for that thing to get stuffed and hang out in your living room.

Ashley (:

He's like, I might put it in my bag and bring it home for you.

Nicole (:

There is. And no, there might have been if it didn't have ants. I tell him all the time. I'm like, I really want an armadillo. Like I want it. What? Because they're a nuisance around here. So like you're actually encouraged to kind of like take them out. So I'm like, if we ever have one on the property that needs to be dealt with, like I want to stuff it, make sure when you. You know, and it's life, you do it kind of in a way that I can stuff it. And that would be really cool.

Monica (:

the armadillo.

Ashley (:

What would you do with a stuffed armadillo? You'd just have it in your home? That is so weird.

Nicole (:

Just decoration, yeah.

Kelsie (:

I really feel like I missed the opportunity to get that possum on my porch and stuff it for you. Could have been a labor of love. I know.

Monica (:

You did!

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

You did! Kelsey lured a possum to its death.

Monica (:


Ashley (:

You could have put it in your carry -on and brought it with t - to our trip.

Kelsie (:

I could have asked my dad to taxidermy this possum for you and I could have brought it on our trip.

Nicole (:

Yes, actually Kelsey's dad is my favorite person and I've never met him ever. I'm so thankful he didn't choke on that sausage big muffin by the way because he's a taxidermist and that's the best thing ever. Are we gonna get into this topic? We have one more question to ask.

Kelsie (:


Ashley (:

Miss Waffin.

Kelsie (:

We will, we have a whole taxidermy thing coming in a few weeks when we do our spooky things. We will get fully into the taxidermy realm.

Monica (:

We can save that.

Nicole (:

In the future, in the future. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We have talked taxidermy extensively.

Ashley (:

Yeah, we've talked taxidermy before, somehow. Taxidermy has come up on multiple occasions.

Monica (:

Yeah. No, not just once. . .

Kelsie (:

This is a common reoccurrence in our group chat is taxidermy. So don't you worry, we will come back to this again someday soon.

Nicole (:

. Ashley hates it. Ashley hates it. Monica also doesn't like it. And my other dead things that I've collected over the years. Okay, let's, sorry.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

And we are divided on this.

Ashley (:

Yeah, against my better judgment, we'll discuss dead animals again in depth.

Kelsie (:

It's a divided house.

Soon. Okay.

Ashley (:


Okay, so Monica, this all comes back to you and your teeth, so... you're up.

Nicole (:

Yeah, that's your fault, Monica.

Monica (:


Ashley (:


Monica (:

said teeth, I didn't say let's go stuff an armadillo.

Nicole (:

I have a tooth. I have javelina tooth somewhere. Sorry.

Ashley (:


So random. I have no teeth. The only teeth in my house are in people's mouths. Where they belong.

Kelsie (:

for now.

Nicole (:


Monica (:

Okay, so this is a good one for Kelsey.

it's just it's a good one for Kelsey.

Nicole (:


Monica (:

If you could be on any reality TV show, what would it be?

Kelsie (:

Ooh, ooh, mmm.

Nicole (:


Weren't we just kind of talking about this the other day?

Monica (:

this reality tv show queen over here.

Kelsie (:

Well, I'm married, so that limits a lot of them. I love Vanderpump rules, but I wouldn't want to be on Vanderpump rules, because they're all really mean and scary, and they're confrontational. Not that they're mean, but they're very confrontational. I would be unwell. I would be very unwell. I would cry every day. I would be having panic attacks very often.

Monica (:

You'd be in hives the whole season.

Nicole (:

You are not. You are not. would. Nope. You'd be hiding the entire time. I've never even seen Vanderpump rules.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.


Kelsie (:

They're very, they...

Ashley (:

I haven't either. I'm imagining they're like the housewives or something or like mean older ladies.

Kelsie (:

It's not that they're not a lot of them not necessarily mean they're just very They're not afraid to say what they're thinking at all times even if that is not Even if it is confrontational

Ashley (:

Brash. Yeah.

Nicole (:

Maybe I should go on that show.

Kelsie (:

Hmm. Ooh, the circle, the circle. I want to be on the circle. Yes. Yes. Mm hmm. Yep. Sign me up.

Ashley (:

Maybe you wanna be on...

Nicole (:

the circle! Yes, the circle! yes, that's a good one. That's so fun. I love the circle.

Monica (:


Yeah, you'd have fun with that one.

Kelsie (:

Somebody get this to Netflix, I wanna be on the circle.

Nicole (:

Yes, sign up Kelsey. My favorite season was the one with the Spice Girls just because it was the fucking Spice Girls. Are you kidding me? That was so fun. I love The Circle. Kelsey actually got me addicted to that show. I didn't know about it. I had no idea about The Circle until Kelsey was like, if you like Love is Blind, you should go watch The Circle even though they have nothing to do with each other. But she was like, go watch it. And I did. And I love Love is Blind too.

Ashley (:


Kelsie (:


That was cool. Yeah. Yeah. I love them all.

Ashley (:

I still, I love Love is Blind.

Monica (:


Ashley (:

I haven't watched The Circle, but I feel like I have because you guys talked about it so much. I feel like I watched the whole show every episode.

Monica (:

Yeah, you guys broke down the whole season, so... Yeah, I didn't need to watch it. You guys filled us in. But the next one, I'll jump on.

Nicole (:


Kelsie (:


Nicole (:

It's really good.

Kelsie (:

It is good.

Monica (:

Okay, so I think we should we should talk a little bit about like the stories of am I the asshole because these are always just a winner and this one cracks me up because I get it.

Nicole (:


Monica (:

so small business, max 10 people were in the office at the same time. So when someone is stealing food from the fridge, people notice it fairly quickly. However, this was the owner's son. Now the owner was now nicking food, but he would at least pay you back sometimes. His son, about 20 at the time, did not and was always a dick about it. And most of the people were getting fed up. So one day I brought in coloring liquid from home.

which my wife used to make blue treats like cake and ice cream for our kids. He was always stealing my dairy products and I thought the blue would make it less appealing. I almost forgot about it until a co -worker was fuming and someone had eaten almost all of her cottage cheese and that she didn't have enough for herself.

Nicole (:


Monica (:

So I asked her if she was willing to sacrifice what was left, sprinkled a few blue drops in there and went to the culprit and said, dude, were you eating this? It's gone bad. You can't eat this. How did you not notice? I could hardly finish my sentence as he threw up all over his desk and himself violently for all to see. The blue spots and the leftovers I showed him did look rather dramatic. Am I the asshole?

Nicole (:

Heheheheh... Diabolical.

Nope. I love that.

Ashley (:

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Wait, so it wasn't actually bad, he just, the thought of it potentially being bad made him throw up on the spot? Wow, that's shocking. I don't think he's the asshole.

Monica (:

Yeah. All over, violently.

Nicole (:

Correct. Yes. I love that.

Monica (:

Kelsey, what are you thinking over there?

Kelsie (:

I think he's a little bitch.

That just tasted fine while you ate it, but just somebody telling you that it was bad with like blue spots on it made you throw up.

Nicole (:


Ashley (:

That is shocking, yeah.

Monica (:

Okay, so yes, yeah. Yeah.

Nicole (:

Mm hmm. We constitution. But I love that.

Kelsie (:

No, you're a bitch. He's not the asshole and you're a bitch. A baby back bitch, to be exact.

Ashley (:

Yeah. Yeah.

Nicole (:

Yep, absolutely. And you shouldn't be stealing people's food because I would have done probably worse. So he's lucky.

Ashley (:

Yeah, someone should have actually poisoned it. Who does that? I work in a small office of like 10 and we share a fridge and that just like doesn't, but that's always like a topic in movies, I feel like. So it must happen somewhere, but who, who does that? Monica is the food thief.

Monica (:

No, it happens. It happens. I've worked in large like, yeah, I mean, nothing like specific, but like it for sure happens. Like I used to work at a big corporate office and the fridge was this giant fridge down in like the cafeteria basically. And so it was far away from where anybody worked. Like you couldn't see who was going in there and when and like you'd go in there to go grab your lunch and like it's just gone.

Nicole (:

Come on, because I have a story.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

It's just gone. Like you have no idea who took it because yeah, people just don't freaking care.

Nicole (:

That's so crazy. That's insane to me.

Ashley (:

That's really crazy.

Nicole (:

I would brawl. You don't mess with food.

Ashley (:

I'd be pissed. I'd be getting hangry for sure. I would just keep my, I think my lunch in my bag with like some ice packs.

Nicole (:


Monica (:

Well, the worst is that it was in the cafeteria. And so if you had a daytime shift, it wasn't the end of the world because there was like a full like kind of restaurant cafeteria you could order from. But sometimes my shifts went into the evening when it wasn't open and like you were just SOL, like you had no food. It was horrible. Yeah. People are assholes.

Ashley (:


That those people are mean. If yeah, if you're listening to this and you steal people's food at work, you are not a nice person. You are the asshole.

Nicole (:


Yeah, you are the asshole if you steal people's food.

Monica (:

Well, and I just don't understand it because you can't eat at everyone's house. You shouldn't. So like, you don't even know whose food you're getting and you're just gonna be like, that looks good.

Ashley (:

No, ugh. No.

Nicole (:

Yeah. Right.

That makes me so angry.

Ashley (:

That's gross, yeah. I'm actually, yeah, kind of hesitant to take food from people if I'm suspicious.

Monica (:

Yeah, I will say though a lot of the comments on this one is pretty funny because there were quite a few people who had to set people up with some ghost peppers in the food.

Nicole (:


Yes. yes. That's

Ashley (:

Mmm. That would be funny.

Kelsie (:

You can't eat at everybody's house That's all I can think of

Monica (:

Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking of. It's a guy on TikTok and he reacts to people like cooking in their homes and it just like cuts to him and he's like no you can't you can't eat in everybody's house.

Ashley (:

Another song. What is that song? I don't know that song.

that's funny.

Nicole (:

Like when there's like, go ahead. I don't know if we're gonna say the same thing. my God, Jigs. Jigs, this is staying in, this is staying in. Go Ashley.

Ashley (:

That reminds me, have you seen the video? Go ahead. Shut up. I hope we're about to tell the same story.

Kelsie (:


Monica (:


Kelsie (:


Ashley (:

Okay, my story is about mac and cheese. Is yours not mac and cheese? Okay, I'm just was thinking of the video of someone making mac and cheese in their kitchen sink and they use their drain plug to plug the sink and they pour in all the cooked noodles and ingredients. Kelsey's shaking her head at It's so disgusting. It's so nasty. It's so disgusting. Mm.

Nicole (:

I don't know, just tell the story.

Kelsie (:

I've seen it. It's so

Monica (:

So gross

I'm even like paranoid of like, try to lift the colander up so that none of the water like comes back into it because it's so gross. And I clean my sink, but like it's just so gross to think about. Yeah.

Nicole (:

You're a -

Ashley (:

Yeah, seriously.

Nicole (:


Ashley (:

It doesn't matter. It's still so... nasty.

Nicole (:

That's weird. .

Ashley (:

well this has been fun.

Monica (:

has been fun. No, I don't think that he's the asshole by any means and I don't think I saw one person say that he was because it's just like it's just blatant stealing you know and I think that if you're gonna

Ashley (:

The cottage cheese poisoner is not the asshole.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, no.

Nicole (:

No, he is not.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:


Ashley (:


Nicole (:

Honestly, he's lucky it was just drops of coloring, like food coloring, because I literally would have put eye drops in my food and just let it sit there and wait for the culprit to come and eat it.

Ashley (:


Monica (:

Yeah. Or that's when you start putting in like laxatives and stuff and then you wait to see who's running to the bathroom.

Kelsie (:

You're lucky that you didn't get Nicole in your office. You'd be pooping your little hiney out.

Nicole (:

Yeah, you're, yeah, literally you are lucky because sure what don't mess with my food. That's like one thing that I just take very seriously to not mess with my food.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.


Monica (:

I don't blame you. Yeah. Yeah, I don't work in an office building anymore, but I always just kept my lunchbox at my desk because I was so sick of dealing with people's shit. Like, you just never know.

Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

I accidentally stole somebody's breast milk one time.

Monica (:

What? How?

Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

I worked in like a, it was like a physical therapy office, like care. So people, we had like a daycare. I worked in like the daycare. So while people were at their appointments, they could leave their kids in childcare. Well, sometimes we had night events, cause we were also, this goes to a different story of worst jobs ever, but we also were in charge of the marketing. So we had to go to events and like do marketing as well as.

provide childcare, ask me how those have anything to do with each other, I don't know. So one of the girls had to go to marketing, so she left her kid in the room with us that evening or whatever. And she was like, he has a bottle in the fridge, but he doesn't really like to take his bottles, but you can try, whatever. So I go to the fridge to get him his bottle, and I only see one bottle, so I get it.

and I give this kid his bottle, his breast milk. And then when she comes and she gets him, she's like, this isn't his bottle. And I'm like, what? So she goes to the fridge and she brings his back and it was in like a little cooler bag. It wasn't just sitting in there in the bottle. And it turns out that one of the other massage therapists would pump during the day and put her milk in there.

Ashley (:



Nicole (:

Excuse me?


Ashley (:

my god, that's actually worse than I was expecting.

Kelsie (:

So I, yes, so I actually fed this baby and he, I might add he drank the whole bottle. She was like, he probably won't drink it. He didn't, he doesn't like bottles.

Monica (:

It's so much worse.

Nicole (:

I was going to say he loved it. He loved the booby milk. It was like this is the good stuff.

Monica (:

Yeah, he's like, this is the good stuff.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, he drank the whole bottle actually. And yeah, so I accidentally gave her child somebody else's breast milk and an intern stole that woman's breast milk, which I know is so hard to come. She was very, she was very nice about it. She looked very, I don't know how to describe it. She...

Nicole (:


Ashley (:

Was she upset?

Nicole (:

You stole that baby's food. You stole food right out of a baby's mouth.

Well, mean, devastated.

Ashley (:

Uncomfortable. Yeah.

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

She was she was like it's okay, but also her eyes kind of looked like But I mean it was not intentional, you know how she was probably like I can't like They weren't labeled nobody had like put their name on them Yeah, it was truly an innocent mistake and like I think since they knew each other like maybe that helps a little bit because it wasn't a random stranger's breast milk, but like

Ashley (:

It's not okay.

Nicole (:

because I mean you know now breast milk is liquid gold right

Monica (:


Nicole (:

How do you even, yeah, like what?

Ashley (:

It was an innocent mistake, yeah.

Monica (:


Nicole (:


Monica (:


Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

my gosh if it if it was a random stranger and I was that mom I would have lost my freaking mind, if you if I knew the person I could recover.

Kelsie (:

I felt very, very bad. But yeah.

Nicole (:

I would too. Yeah.

Ashley (:

I would have, yeah, think I would have been upset.

Nicole (:

I truly don't think I would have been that upset because it is like an honest mistake, but it's like kind of weird like it's a little weird but also like you know that baby enjoyed that milk come on now.

Ashley (:

It is, but still.

Kelsie (:

It's weird but I mean...

Ashley (:

Well, you can't. Yeah, you can't really get mad at the person because it's just it is what it is. But I would still be like feeling some type of way about it.

Monica (:



Kelsie (:

It would be, but I think about it, I think about it and I'm like, I would feed my child somebody else's breast milk if I needed breast milk, you know? So I try to like rationalize, because I'm like, it's hard because in your head, it's just a weird thing to think about. yeah, no, if she had been mad at me, I totally would have understood. If the other one had been mad at me, I totally would have understood, but like.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

If they needed it.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm. Yeah.


Nicole (:

Right, because she was like, what did you just feed my kid? know, but at least it was breast milk and not something else.

Monica (:

Yeah, like I definitely would have understood, right? Yeah, I definitely would have understood like how it happened, but if I didn't know whose milk it was, that's where I would have been upset.

Kelsie (:

Yeah. Well, I just, yeah.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

I do think that perhaps since we did have a child care situation going on, labeling should have been a part of that.

Ashley (:

Yeah, yeah.

Monica (:

Probably, yeah.

Nicole (:

It probably would have been a good idea to have a label, yep.

Kelsie (:

I don't know, maybe she, that one girl had probably just been storing her milk in there for so long while she pumped, it never been an issue that she didn't think about it and like, I don't know.

Nicole (:

and not thought about it. Yeah. Right.

Monica (:


Ashley (:

Mm -hmm. .

Nicole (:

Like that's so crazy. Of course it happened to you though.

Kelsie (:

Yep. Yep. Yep. So maybe I think in this situation I was the asshole so I'm sorry about that but it's okay.

Ashley (:

Yeah, it's pretty funny.

Yeah, not on purpose. Yeah.

Nicole (:

Accidental asshole, so not like a real asshole. That's so funny.

Monica (:

Yeah, not an intentional one. It was an honest mistake. And like at the end of the day, I mean, it was still technically like food and nourishment for the baby. So I mean, it could have been a lot worse.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, he probably got a whole different set of antibodies from that. So I really did him a favor in life. And on that, that's a wrap.

Ashley (:


Nicole (:

could have.

Ashley (:

nutrients and yeah, immunity.

Nicole (:

Yep, yep. You did, you did him a favor. Yeah, for real. That's a wrap.

Ashley (:

Mm -hmm

Kelsie (:

I will stop trying to justify my actions. That's a wrap on today's episode of A Little Bit Bothered.

Ashley (:

We hope you guys have enjoyed hanging out with us and feel like you are part of the group chat.

Nicole (:


And if you love today's episode or even if you're just a little bit bothered, don't forget to subscribe, rate and leave us a review.

Monica (:

And of course, join us next time for more laughs, more real talk, and definitely more snark.

Kelsie (:

Until then, stay bothered, but in the best way. Bye.

Ashley (:


Monica (:


About the Podcast

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A Little Bit Bothered Podcast
The podcast that escaped the group chat. Conversations about life's annoyances and how we stay sane. We're fine, we're just a little bit bothered.

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About your host

Profile picture for Ashley, Kelsie, Nicole, & Monica

Ashley, Kelsie, Nicole, & Monica